HELLO - how can they continue to say this with a straight face? - TopicsExpress


HELLO - how can they continue to say this with a straight face? How can they say this when right now they are negotiating with Iran & Cuba. McDonough said We dont negotiate with terrorists You see they LIE right to your face & they think we are to stupid to see the truth. But he said the administration has already sent the message to our friends & allies & even our enemies that well negotiate. The administration did trade five Taliban fighters last year for American Sgt.Bergdahl. The policies are well set: The U.S. doesnt pay ransoms & will not do prisoner swaps. In the SOTU address Obama told us that climate change is the greatest treat to American today. Well the temp increase by .002 (2 100s) degree last year & not once did he mention terror as a problem for America. ISIS, Al-Qaeda & many others say death to America almost on a daily basis & he doesnt think that is a treat? This should wake up more people but you have those that will go to the end of America as we know it to stand by what Obama tells them. WHY isnt anyone talking about stopping the flow of money that Obama seems to have an unlimited supply of. He should not be allowed to continue with throwing our Hard Earned Taxpayer $$$s to countries that 1st of all HATE the US & fall soon after. This should show everyone that he is working with these evil countries & not working for America. The US spent $275 million to help Yemen fight Al-Qaeda but that money is going up in smoke now. If Yemen is Obamas example of a success story on winning the battle against terrorism...WERE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!!! Just think about how much he spend in Egypt supporting Morsi & Muslim Brotherhood and they lost power in less than a year. Yemen falls to Al-Qaeda who is backed by Iran & they both say Death to Israel & Death to America. Now we hear that $11.9 BILLION will be given to Iran..........WHY are we even talking with Iran & WHY on earth are we giving them any $$$s? Just think about this - We have NO idea what Obama is negotiating with these people that want us dead. I say to Congress that Obama must tell us this information or defund where ever it is that Obama & his administration are coming up with all this money they just give away - to many that then turn around & go after America & our allies. He wants to make a deal with Iran at all cost & just look at what they have done since he started talks with them. They contributed with the fall of Iraq by supporting the enemy - he supplies arms to Syria & the Assad regime - he is now supply & supporting the rebels in Yemen. Is Obama supporting Iran to take over the middle-ease? Remember just a short time ago Obama telling us what a great success Yemen was & look at them today. Remember when Obama was running in 2012 & he told us Al-Qaeda was on the run & look at them today. Remember when Obama told us just a few months ago that ISIS was a JV team & look at them today. HOW MANY times does he prove to us that he is doesnt have a clue what is going on or is just out & out LYING to us AGAIN. If Obama cant call these people what they are then he will never defeat them. Does this mean that he doesnt want to defeat them & that he is with them. He continues to show the world that America is not the power that we once were & that is totally Obamas fault. I will not listen to any more LIES from Obama - really how many times has he LIED & still he thinks we cant see the truth. How is it that he continues to think that those that have worked hard to earn a good living should have to pay for all those that sit on there A$$s & reach for the handout. You see every time you give them more free stuff they will never learn that in order to be successful you must 1st work hard for it yourself. Once a community organizer always a community organizer.....and that is all that Obama is. So Obama shows the world who he really is. Giving excuses on why he did not go to France to show his support. All anyone can really take away from that is that he did not stand with them nor did any other official from US government. Holder was there but did not walk in the march. And now there are threats that they plan on more attacks including in the US....when this happens what or who will be to blame for even more deaths at the hands of Islamist Jehadist radicals. We need a leader not a community organizer. By the way-this is 1 woman that does not support Obama or anything that he stands for! We will get the truth 1 day. I WILL NOT COMPLY! So I will sing song until he is gone. youtu.be/rfNN0r10_-Q
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 19:29:49 +0000

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