HELLO BEAUTY BABES!! Thanks for the awesome feedback and - TopicsExpress


HELLO BEAUTY BABES!! Thanks for the awesome feedback and inquiries during the Halloween Holiday!! Man! It has been a long last couple of weeks! But, with Halloween finally over, and the madness of rushing to achieve everything I wanted to now completely done, it is time to begin my VERY FIRST three part mirco mini series on the blog!! YAY!!! I am titling it, “No Such Thing!” It will be a series over three beauty ideologies that I have personally come to find just are NOT A THING!! We as beauty men and women have certain things we just know deep in our beauty souls that are NOT true for us! So, with this in mind, I will be posting videos, photographs, step by steps, and products that will be assisting me in my compilation of extensive conversation on 3 things in MY beauty world that I find falser than false. First off on the micro mini series…. Foundation! Dun…Dun…DUUUHHH!!! Beauty Babes, There is Xx NO SUCH THING! xX as TOO MUCH foundation!!! But here’s a fun little video I found in my “extensive research” that might prove my point invalid….or does it?? LOL youtube/watch?v=SUTnyUhynC0 Funny right? No….more like scary as hell, her face starts melting off!! Well, after that shocking and disturbing video, it might be safe to say in SOME instances there can be WAY too much foundation used. So, let me clarify my meaning. Did you know on an average celebrity photoshoot, 3 to 5 different foundations are being used on the model!? THREE TO FIVE!!!!! That is insane. I am not saying all beauty babes go out and buy 5 different foundations to look like Kim K today!!! No. But, what I believe, deep in my beauty babe soul is, you can find infinite amount of photos and videos that display “too much foundation” but is it really TOO MUCH foundation that is the problem? The girls on the magazines certainly don’t look like they have on 5 layers of foundation right!? My beauty minded brain says 99.9% of the time, those photos floating around out there that are NOT “Glamour Mag” ready, are displaying a blending problem, a bronzer problem, a color match problem, or a “girl we know you flat out decided to half ass that shit and skip skin care and primer” problem. Using the right techniques, brushes, SKIN CARE, and color you can avoid looking like a typical “pancake face.” So, here are some of my suggestions to keeping YOU looking flawesome from sun up to sun down. #1- SKIN CARE, SKIN CARE, SKIN CARE!!!! You’re face is only as beautiful as the skin underneath. So if you haven’t come up with a good skin care regimen to keep your skin hydrated, healthy, and looking great… Now is the time!! #2- Prime Time for Primer!! Girl! Take the extra 5 minutes to prime your skin for the application of foundation! It DOES NOT add another “cakey” layer! In FACT it is supposed to do the opposite. Help the skin look dewy, healthy, and not only that! But, primer helps to PRIME the skin to receive the foundation! IT IS MADE FOR FOUNDATION!! So that, the foundation looks smoother, and wears longer. #3- Custom Color!! LADIES PLEASE! Do yourself (and those freaky girls night IG photos) a favor, and GO GET COLOR MATCHED!!! Foundation is only the MAIN part of your makeup routine! Why would you want to walk around with a line as blatant as the Mason/Dixon!? Here’s a novel idea….DON’T. Have a professional do it for you, the bestie and her wedding photos will thank you later! #4- If at first you don’t succeed, BLEND, BLEND AGAIN!! BLENDING….say it with me….{BL-END-ING}. Blend into oblivion. There’s nothing better for a cakey-looking face than using that blending brush, or (for those of you that have hopped aboard the sponge train again) the blender sponge, and BLEND. THAT. SHIT. You can do it! I know you can….and say goodbye to that foundation settling into your lines once and for all! #5- Brush, Brush… Brush, Brush… A Brush It!!! Use proper brushes. I REPEAT:: USE PROPER BRUSHES!! The right brushes create the desired effects of makeup, and help with things like blending, achieving the proper fine line, contouring, and all the other fun things that makeup is used for! Do you think Leonardo da Vinci used finger paint to create the Mona Lisa? No! He used brushes. And that my babes is where I leave you…. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to write to me! Reach out, feedback is SO MUCH appreciated! And As Always…Stay Beautiful. Xoxo
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 23:16:47 +0000

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