HELLO EVERYBODYZ!! Iz do NOTZ know whatz is goingz on herez.... - TopicsExpress


HELLO EVERYBODYZ!! Iz do NOTZ know whatz is goingz on herez.... Monster and Taz sayz thatz themz thinkz Iz am developingz some super powerz or something!! LOOKY AT MYZ EARZ!! :/ At firstest when thatz Monster and Tazzy telled mez about itz, Iz did NOT believez themz!! Cause themz is always teasing mez!! BUT..... then thatz Monster taked themz picturez of mez.... and Iz could NOT believez myz eyez!! Myz pawsome earz lookz like themz are on firez!! :/ Monster telled mez to run fast and thenz jump up as high as Iz couldz..... cause maybez Iz could flyz now!! :) BUT.... Iz can NOT flyz..... :( Then thatz Tazzy telled mez thatz maybez Iz haved super caninez hearingz now, and himz telled mez to focus on ourz neighborz house down thatz hill, and see whazt themz was talkingz about!! But..... Iz could notz hearz nothingz!! :( Iz do NOT know if Iz gotted a super powerz.... OR if myz pawsome earz are goingz to fallz off now!! :/ This went on for awhiles, and thenz all of thatz suddenz myz earz was normal againz!! :/ Iz havez NOT been ablez to makez themz lightz up like thatz again, all dayz!! :( Iz wonderingz if anyz of YOUZ have any ideaz what happened to myz earz todayz, and if themz are gonna fallz off nowz or whatz?? :/ Iz hopez youz gotz gooderz newz for mez!! Iz hopez myz earz havez NOT been imabed by themz spyz!! :( Just in case.... Iz wantz youz all to knowz thatz YOU are themz bestest friendz in thatz whole wide worldz!! And Iz LOVEZ youz ALL VERY Much!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:08:14 +0000

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