HELLO FB FAM WILL YOU JOIN ME IN PRAYER... DEAR LORD, Lord, we pray for those who are feeling insecure today. We pray for those who are anxious or fearful. We pray for those who feel threatened by people or things…may they be reminded that you are their God and that you are their safe haven…a refuge in every storm. May they find peace in their souls. May they find serenity to accept the things that they cannot change and may they trust you for the answers. You promise to satisfy us like nothing in this world can and we know that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, shall lack no good thing. We are safe from harm as we walk with you. In you Lord, we find beauty and peaceful rest. Though the world is a place of turmoil and at times is chaotic, we are far removed from it in your comforting presence.Your word says that you will be for us a place of broad rivers and streams. You are the Living Water that fills us and quenches the dry places. Broad rivers and streams produce rich lands full of abundance and bountiful harvests. We do not lack as your children. At times, we may not have every physical comfort and we may lack material things, bu you more than make up for those things with spiritual abundance that nourishes our souls. Broad rivers and streams were also a defense against enemies and surely, you are our defense Lord. We can rest secure, knowing that there is nothing that can defeat us, because you have overcome the world. The enemy may scheme against us, but we will always prevail! Lord, thank you for your faithfulness, even when we are not faithful. Thank you, for standing by us and never leaving our side. Thank you, that each new day is a chance to do better and be better. Thank you, for the hope that we have in you. Thank you, for the quiet moments we can spend with you and may our hearts burn with desire to know you better and love you more. We thank you in advance for the answers to our prayers and our needs. In the name above all names we pray, Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 15:37:11 +0000

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