HELLO HELLO ALL YOU WONDERFUL STUDENTS :D Its that time of year - TopicsExpress


HELLO HELLO ALL YOU WONDERFUL STUDENTS :D Its that time of year again! AUS Elections anndddd as I hope you all know, Im running to be your next AUS President! (: My Platform includes: 1) Increase student career and professional development 2) Establish club visions 3) Support executive transparency and coordinator transition 4) Optimize budget efficiency As the current AUS VP External and AMS representative I know I have the experience, drive, and heart to lead the AUS into a brighter future. I would love the support of all of u amazing arts students as I run my campaign, every bit helps! For more information check out my event page at https://facebook/events/553846071389096/ or feel free to ask me! (: Voting is available at aus.arts.ubc.ca/elections/vote/
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 02:14:42 +0000

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