HELLO HELLO HELLO! HEEEEEEEY! IS THIS THING ON? Reports of my suicide have been grossly exaggerated. Okay, so I am of sound mind, body and soul and have just had a most disturbing experience since being awoken by a pair of Greenville County, OH deputies in the dirt driveway of a church under construction off Highway 127 where I stopped after Cachui had a panic attack that drove his sixty five pound mass into me that thankfully sent us to the left and not under the trailer to our right as it passed causing his sudden condition. Seems Greenville has a white elephant in the room and a bunch of idiots trying to fix the problem. I admitted immediately when asked that due to ongoing issues and circumstances including homelessness, wrongful termination with ongoing federal case, cyber stalking and the miscarriage of justice in Tampa, FL with complete packages under review by the legal departments of the Chief of Police, Chief Judge and Court Administrator and the need to return to my life in Colorado they decided to have me taken to a hotel and my vehicle to the storage yard until I had proper tags. So began the quest for an Ohio id and temporary tag. Now, I dont know if any of you know it or not but every single state constitution clearly states what the rules are regarding licensing and registrations and the required inspections, repairs and verifications BEFORE a tag will be issued. For instance, in my case, my registration is EXPIRED and as I spoke AD NAUSEUM California Highway Patrol requires I HABEUS CORPUS this decrepit homeless ass personally, not my friend, not my lover, not my attorney, nobody but me, Michael Francis Holowecki to face the arraignment so to speak, pay my fees and get my docs for failing to do so in a timely manner. And, as a strong proponent of not only identification for everyone but a full retina scan and DNA profile (cry me a river I got one and it dont mean shit unless Im a criminal afraid to be caught) I know for a fact there is NO legitimate reason to deny a willing confessor to transporting a vehicle illegally into the state and I would please like to pay Ohio the required fees to make that right. I know the entire town that met me today with tears of pain and anguish streaming down my face and a sack full of legal documents and cash trying to buy a lease and an i.d. yet these entirely unqualified people serving the public are completely in denial. I was patted down four times because of my bizarre behavior and a compliment of five cops came to the city commissioners office as I asked them because there was NO JUDGE AVAILABLE TO SEE ME, NONE IN FACT UNTIL MONDAY. And because I insulted the lack of intelligence and knowledge to those things civil to a bunch of know nothings who only want to make a criminal because Thats all we know and the rest is civil on everything from civil procedure and court orders, the state constitution and the DMV and every right of mine they were violating by not citing me for an expired plate I found out none of their social services are worth diddly. And the suicide prevention hotline I called hoping they would save me, well they have nobody there either. Now heres the kicker; the Greenville Police, city council, Bureau of Motor Vehicles Office, Veterans Assistance department and County Sheriff outright refused a simple request to get proper identification for my person and my vehicle instead returning it to me against the original lawful order of this morning in a body shop absent entirely of law enforcement and everyone of the workers scared of what they were forced to involve themselves in; without once verifying that what I said was absolutely true to whether or not I was armed to the teeth and ready to bring jihad to Greenville, OH these brave first responders instead left me in the same status they found me but $300 lighter; at a hotel with a single older woman at the counter and however many guests there are here with me; but worse still to recover my vehicle I got a ride out to the boonies from the short straw draw by an admittedly frightened twenty year old who took me and the vehicle to the driveway of the home he shares with his grandmother. And that was how they lawfully, properly and respectfully assisted a homeless veteran trying to return to safe haven after the mistreatment received elsewhere. And all Im told they were all probably home by 4:00 p.m. AND IF THIS ISNT APPALLING TO YOU IN ITS ENTIRETY BECAUSE I HAD AN EXPIRED TAG, THEN PEOPLE, I BELIEVE ALL HOPE IS LOST, BECAUSE THE WORLD IS ON FIRE AROUND YOU AND ACTION MUST BE TAKEN BUT NOBODY IS WILLING TO MOVE. ATTENTION MUST BE PAID TO WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT AROUND YOU. THIS IS NOT UNIQUE TO GREENVILLE, OH IT IS AN EPIDEMIC AND PEOPLE ARE DYING. I AM JUST TOO LEARNED, GUARDED AND GIFTED BY GOD TO DISCERN THIS AND BROADCAST IT OPENLY ON FACEBOOK. I HAVE SEEN THE FACES AND I AM ONE OF THEM AND ATTENTION MUST BE PAID TO THOSE SUFFERING AROUND YOU BECAUSE, SORRY, THEY JUST CANT LET IT GO. ITS PERSONAL FOR THEM ALL AND SOME SICK INDIVIDUAL IS TRYING TO SLOWLY KILL THEM DAILY. AND I HAVE HEARD THAT TOO OFTEN BEFORE THE NEXT VICTIM IS IDENTIFIED. May Almighty God be gracious and merciful to protect them all. The homeless, the veteran, the abused and the children who suffer while idots sleep in warm comfortable beds waiting on retirement. Ive had just about enough and I am sickened at what I see.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:46:29 +0000

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