HELLO I AM 2014 AND I AM HERE TO INTRODUCE MY 10TH SON OCTOBER. Hi there! I am October, I am here to tell you to be diligent in working for JESUS CHRIST, whom every believer is expecting to come and take them home (Rapture). So if you are a servant in the vineyard, a teaching of the Word, an evangelist, an usher, a music leader, elders in the church, any work at all you are doing for the LORD JESUS CHRIST; etc. be diligent in working for HIM. For it is written, Are you a wise and faithful servant of the LORD? Have I given you the task of managing My household, to feed My children day by day? Blessings on you if I return and find you faithfully doing your work. I will put such faithful ones in charge of everything I own! Matt.24:45-47, The Living Bible. Since JESUS Himself has promise you to be faithful in doing HIS work, please be zealous to serve the LORD and not man and at the end you will have your reward. But before I continue I have some little advice for you:- O----Organize your work with GOD with wisdom. C----Communicate with other brethren when you are discouraged. T----Teach other believers the revelations GOD has given to you freely. O----Outdoors activities of the world are distractions, so stay away from them. B----Bear with one another in Christ as you work for the LORD. E----Encourage fallen brethren to come back to the LORD in love. R----Remind faithful to the LORD by living a holy and righteous life. With these little advice of mine, you will be able to overcome the temptation of sinning against the LORD and the LORD JESUS Himself, will reward you in all your works here on earth. As HE promised saying, He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My throne, as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on HIS throne. He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the Holy-Spirit says to the assemblies (churches) Rev.3:21-22 AMP Bible. Repent therefore and return to the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the MESSIAH is coming we have to live a complete holy and righteous life, while waiting for HIM. O---C---T---O---B---E---R-----HAPPY NEW MONTH
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:35:12 +0000

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