HELLO I AM 2014 AND I AM HERE TO INTRODUCE MY 9TH SON SEPTEMBER. Hello I am September, I have come to remind you that JESUS CHRIST that died for the sins of the world, will be coming back to take home HIS faithful followers (Rapture) It will be a day of great joy for every genuine believer of JESUS CHRIST. Many believers are waiting for that day, but not everyone is prepare for that great day. To prepare for that great day is to stay holy and righteous, keep working very hard to win souls to JESUS, because JESUS said, For the Son of Man is going to come in HIS Fathers glory with HIS angels and then HE will reward each person according to what they have done Matt.16:27. The question is are you sure, you are ready for that day and are you really working hard for JESUS? Because it will be disastrous if you are left out on that great day, so please prepare yourself now. However Shhhhhhhhhhh before I continue listen to my little advice:- S----Share the gospel of JESUS CHRIST to every friend, family, neighbour and nations. E----Every human being in this world must know that JESUS CHRIST is coming back. P----Prepare unbelievers to the events of JESUS CHRIST coming via Evangelism. T----Time is running out, so work very hard in winning souls for JESUS. E----Endeavour to encourage and help each other while working for the LORD. M----Maintain your salvation, so avoid sin and pursue holiness and righteousness. B----Bring as many people to JESUS; via evangelism and your godly character. E----Extraordinary blessings will over flow in your life as you work for GOD. R----Remember you are a servant to JESUS, so be a faithful and humble servant. With this little advice of mine you will be getting ready for this great event of JESUS CHRIST coming (Rapture), for HE said, Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me and I will give to each person according to what they have done Rev.22:12. So dont miss See you up there!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:17:28 +0000

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