HELLO MY FRIENDS! . . . I have some good news! If the Lord - TopicsExpress


HELLO MY FRIENDS! . . . I have some good news! If the Lord allows, I will be embarking on a 5 - 6 month mission trip near the last of March. This trip may be unlike any you have ever heard of, but offers many opportunities to share the Gospel to thousands of people. I announce this early because I need your prayers, encouragement and support. This trip will include one of my favorite activities, hiking and camping in the wilderness. Let me explain: Every year thousands of individuals start out on Springer Mountain in Georgia to hike the famous Appalachian Trail which spans approximately 2186 miles to the Northern Terminus of Mt. Katahdin in the state of Maine. Only about 12 - 14 percent actually finish this grueling trek over some of the most rugged, yet beautiful mountain peaks and valleys in America. Worse than the physical aspect for many is the mental strain. Anyway, I plan on purchasing business cards and tracts to distribute to hundreds along the way and sharing Jesus when possible (hikers search for anything to read at camp sites). I also want to share our new online church LivingWatersFellowship.net, too. Now, I plan on funding this mission trip with my own money - I will not be using any funds out of the ministry account. Audrey will be helping to supply necessary supplies, including food supplies and tracts as I hike north. Lord willing, I will be taking many pictures and filming as I go along and will be sharing them with you as I can. Most of you know of my health issues, so I covet your prayers every single day. It will be by the grace of God if I finish this distance carrying a 30-40 pound pack of supplies. Regardless, I trust the Lord will use His Word to open hearts to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Will you send your prayers, encouragements and support? I will be setting up some posts on facebook and on LivingWatersFellowship.net of my progress and how the Lord is touching those I come in contact with daily. If at all possible, I will be posting video clips of some of Gods beauty along the way, with times of prayer and devotions. So, if you will pledge to pray, encourage and support me as I witness to many, many souls, please leave a comment on my blog, or simply post below. I want Christ to receive all the glory, for He alone is worthy. Your online pastor and forever friend, Pastor Greg. Here is the link to my blog: https://livingwatersfellowship.net/the-packing-pastors-blog
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:13:01 +0000

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