HELP! Any advice on keeping a younger sibling from being a - TopicsExpress


HELP! Any advice on keeping a younger sibling from being a bully? I hate to admit it, but our sweet & happy boy tortures his older sister on a regular basis. Biting has subsided, but pinching hasnt. We have decided to move him from the center placement in the car to behind the passenger seat, still rear facing, so he cant pinch his sister. He no longer deliberately head butts me, but yes, he has taken objects in addition to his fists, to hit those he loves when he doesnt get what he wants. Its not being tired--these things happen at breakfast, in the car, in the carrier. I know we are supposed to be calm, in control, and the parents, but the boy has a strong will (we know where that comes from!). Its one thing at home--he can go to bed if he is not behaving. That said, we are an active family. I do remove him from activities if he gets rough. Many have told me its a boy thing. Or he needs more attention. Honestly, he has plenty of undivided attention from me, ie the 3 hours his sister is in school, the hours he is awake while she is still napping (he is not fond of long, afternoon naps, so we have time together while Monka is enjoying her long afternoon nap). We found a site which reminded us not to play into the mealtime power play, with either child--that seems to be helping. Dont fight them, stay calm, but dont concede either--they eat what we eat, if they dont want it, fine. But thats lunch or dinner. Our kids are not starving or malnourished, by any stretch. We know hes nearly 2. He has never known what it was like to be the only child. That said, the kids get things fairly--if she gets to make a lightsaber at Princeton Public Library, so does he. Trying to stay calm, confident, and with the air of control, but it is exhausting. We are lucky--our children do not have allergies or disabilities. Yes, they get sick, which increases moodiness. Hes probably getting his 2-year molars. Really, any illnesses dont affect his mood--even a million bug bites had super happy & smiley dude running around. Im just afraid that he will be mean. He pushed an older kid at the first birthday party of the day. He hit his sister this evening, after punching her for the 20 minute drive home. I HATE hearing her cry. She tries to fend off his attacks but the kid is fast. Any advice, again, would be appreciated. Thanks
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:24:01 +0000

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