HELP FIGHT TO KEEP PATRICK IN HIS LOVING HOME !!!!! Pathetic. Disgusting. Not just Kisha Curtis but also the Associated Humane Societies of New Jersey (AHS). “[T]rademark registration number 23699” is a “very valuable brand for commercial exploitation and fundraising.” —Associated Humane Societies of New Jersey, describing Patrick in their lawsuit against the City of Newark and the veterinarians who saved his life. post via Nathan Winograd: The woman who starved the little dog Patrick and then discarded him in the trash has plead guilty and renounced "ownership" of him: newjersey.news12/news/kisha-curtis-pleads-guilty-to-animal-cruelty-in-patrick-the-dog-case-1.5796832. There was little doubt of her guilt, little doubt that the case would end with a guilty verdict, and little doubt that she would never get near him again. But the case is far from over. In fact, the real fight will be August 29 when she is sentenced. It is expected that the court will also determine whether Patrick is given to the only "loving home" which he has ever truly known: the home of the veterinarians who saved his life and want to keep him or whether he will be given to the Associated Humane Societies of New Jersey (AHS), which has sued those veterinarians (and the City of Newark) to gain custody of Patrick so that they could continue to exploit his name for money. Those of us who want what is best for him see Patrick as a dog who deserves what all dogs deserve, a loving home and the care of a loving family. AHS sees him as a “very valuable brand for commercial exploitation and fundraising": nathanwinograd/?p=6919
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 16:24:58 +0000

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