HELP FROM A DESPISED SOURCE. Never despise anyone bcos help can come from a despised source. Even the Bible says we should not forget to entertain strangers bcos som hav entertained angels unaware (Heb. 13:2). Some hav entertained their angels unaware. Those angels can b normal human beings like u nd me or they can be real angels. Dont despise your angels. Dont look down on your angels. Some angels come in form of human beings. They can be mistaken for human beings. They can com to ask for ur assistance. U may not even know that they are angels. You will think that they are normal human beings. Some people will despise them,not knowing that they hav despised their helpers. These are angelic helpers u hav despised. You dont know who is who. When a stranger comes to ur house from afar or frm ur neighbourhood, do not forget to entertain him or her. You might b entertaining your helper who can b a real angel or human angel. You dont know who can help you tomorrow. That you are rich today does not mean others who are not rich cannot become rich. They can become rich nd superceed your riches. God looks at d heart. If you are puffed up with pride nd despised a stranger or an angel or anyone that seeks for your assistance in truth, u will regret it later. The person may b d one that will later help you or help your children or anyone that is connected to you. The good you do will come back to you. The evil you do will stay with you. Never never despise anyone bcos help can come from a despised source. You remember the story of a man dat fell among robbers or thieves in d Bible (Luke 10:30-36). They beat him, wounded him nd left him almost dead. His own fellow human beings (the Jews) could not help him. They came to that place nd passed him by. It was a good Samaritan that helped him. Normally the Jews hav no dealings with the Samaritans. They despised d Samaritans. But it was a despised Samaritan that helped d Jewish man. That was help coming from a despised source. You might need d help of the person you hav despised today. Even if God does not allow u to seek his or her help tomorrow, there is a record that you hav despised someone u ought not to despise except you later realise it nd ask God to forgive you nd go back to help the person nd that is if d person is still in need of such help bcos God might hav sent another person to help him or her. You cant expect to always meet people the way you left them. They might have step up. Dont despise anyone my brothers nd sisters. Always b ready to entertain, accommodate or help people that come your way. Today is your turn; tomorrow is coming to b anoda mans turn. You still need others in ur life in one way or the other. Dont think you are self-sufficient, thinking that you dont need anybodys help. You need peoples help bcos God uses people to help people. It will b pride to think you can make it without the input of God nd others. Som people think that God will always bypass people to help them. He can bypass people to help you of course. Yes He does dat at times but not always. He can bypass people to help you wen those people are not thinking right, when they want to ascribe d glory to themselves, when they think that without them you cant make it, when they are not ready to give d glory to God, when they think they are d ones doing it,not knowing God is using them. If someone wants to help me nd I discover pride in him or I discover that he will boast or always boasts when he helps, i will reject such help. God will definitely bypass such people to help me supernaturally. But normally God uses people to help us. Let your sufficiency be of God who will not want you to despise anybody bcos He might decide to use d person you despised to help you. When d person wants to help you, he will remember d time you despised him nd your words against him. He may decide not to help you then except he remembers that God does not want him to pay evil for evil. Even if he decides to help you, you will still live in the shame of refusing to help him then. Your conscience will judge you then, which must hav been too late to rectify. The only thing u can do then is to ask him or her to forgive u.What a shame! You cant render d help again bcos he will now be d one helping u. God does not want us to b full of pride in our exalted position. Whatever good things of life you hav as a Christian came from God. He does not want you to be puffed up with pride bcos of that. What do u hav that God has not given to you? You didnt achieve it by your own power. I remember a statement by Bishop David Oyedepo concerning Faith Tabernacle. Bishop David Oyedepo said that if anyone said that he was d one that built this Faith Tabernacle God could kill him. What a true statement coming from a good heart! God looks at the heart of man. He has never ascribed d glory to himself. I hav seen him many times giving glory to God for everything He has done in his life nd ministry. He thanks the people that God has used for him too bcos if you hear him talk at times,you may think he does not thank them. But it is not so. He has always been careful not to give the thanks that belong to God to man. He has always corrected peoples thinking so that after thanking them, they will b sober nd give the ultimate thanks to God. That is d right way. No boasting. What I am saying is that never despise anyone in your life. The poor should not be despised. The sick should not be despised. The hungry person should not b despised. Nobody should b despised bcos help can com frm a despised source. Let me say this to round up my point. It is good to entertain strangers. The Bible says you should not forget that but pls let it b done with discretion. You must apply wisdom. But dont act in fear. Who is he that will harm you if you b follower of good things? Nobody! Shalom.-Apostle David Akinlade
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:01:10 +0000

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