HELP ! HELP !! HELP !!! PART TWO Hello friends, how has been your - TopicsExpress


HELP ! HELP !! HELP !!! PART TWO Hello friends, how has been your weekend? I hope you had a nice night rest. Well, as i promise to continue my article on HELP, I will like you to relax and enjoy yourself. As a pre-degree student, i came back home one Friday night with the mind to relax as i entered the room i met my roommate listening to a popular radio programme NKAN MBE anchor by Kolawole Olawuyi on OGBC 2. I joined in listening to the program. He narrated the story of a woman at a bus stop who requested that a young man waiting for a taxi that will convey him to his destination should help her lift her load and put it on her head and as the young man bend down to help this woman both of them touching the load disappear. That same weekend i had two other story one of was about a beggar who uses charm on passerby who on setting their eyes on him will have no choice than to deep their hands into their pockets and give him a gift. At the end of the day the innocent child who brought him to the spot where this lame beggar perform his daily business in Ketu Lagos were been sold for rituals. When caught he confessed that he used to make an average of twenty thousand naira daily. The last story that i heard was told by a cousin of mine who claimed that this happened at iyana Ipaja on the street leading to theirs. It was about the disappearance of a couple. The wife sell akara i.e. bean cake, plantain and some other stuffs. On this faithful day, a woman approach her and pleaded with her to help make #200 naira worth of akara that she wanted to distribute it as sara, and that she would come back latter to pick it. she paid and left the womans shop. This woman prepare the cake and waited till around 12 midnight before she eventually cover the thing in a bowl and then close her shop. On getting home she explained the matter to her husband. The next morning around 6am while the husband was going to work they came to the shop together the wife wanting to show her husband the bean cake that delayed her the previous night opened the cover only for her to see two babies in the bowl instead of akara. The woman shouted and people came around and they were asked to bring out what they were saying for them to see. As the couple bend down to carry the bowl touching the bowl they both disappear. i was afraid that weekend and i decided never to help anyone on the street again. You are almost going to make a wrong decision just as i did in the year 2000. Dont do it. On the following Monday morning i was going for a registration in our main campus, not taking enough fund because id plan to follow the school bus to and fro. On getting to the park the last bus was just leaving for school. I was dazed not knowing what to do i stood by the road side with three other students lost in my thinking i saw a very clean exotic car parked without anyone of us wave him down, the driver beckon on us to come we all rush down and enter the car and he drove on. As he was going several thought were going on in my heart, is he helping us or he is kidnapping us? As i observe none of us knew the man, on another side i was enjoying the Sunny Ade music that he was playing. Of a sudden i saw him turning towards the main campus and i said to myself if this man should carry us into the school i will not stop helping people in need around me. While this thought was going on he entered the school and drove us to the senate building where we all alighted and went in different direction. Friends, i must confess to you that God thought me a lesson that day and the lesson is what i had shared with you in part one of this article. The beauty of every society, home and community is interdependency. Any society lacking in this will be faced with all kinds and manner of wickedness and atrocities such as ritual killing armed robbery, kidnapping, prostitution and terrorism. watch out for part three where i will teach you a short song with some quotable quote. Until then keeping enjoying yourself. bye
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:01:00 +0000

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