HELP NATHAN FIGHT OFF REPUBLICAN TAKE-OVER OF THE SENATE DEM CAUCUS Special Interests and Rick Snyder Supporters have used a secret foundation to attack the DEMOCRATIC PARTYS CHOICE in District 5 David E. Nathan with an expensive and dishonest brochure mailed right as absentee ballots are dropping. Nathan was attacked for his correct votes against Snyder’s land-line bill and Snyder’s cuts to senior pensions. Help Nathan push back these Snyder forces within our party by: 1) Making a donation at votedavidnathan 2) Posting NATHANs website on facebook or on twitter or on email it around 3) WALK in the Neighborhood or help with an Emergency Phone-bank for an hour or two anytime between NOON and 5 pm this Saturday, July 5th OR SUNDAY JULY 6th- 4 to 7 pm at the Nathan Campaign headquarters located in Redford Township at 26054 5 MILE Road, Redford Township (we have 4 phone lines, bring your cell and charge if you can) rsvp to isaacrobinson313@gmail NATHAN THE ONLY ONE IN THE SENATE DISTRICT 5 RACE TO VOTE AGAINST SNYDERS ANTI-DEMOCRACY, ANTI-PENSION BILL The so-called grand bargain creates legislation that: 1) CUTS SENIOR PENSIONS by circumventing mandated protections in our state constitution 2) Removes pensioners right to sue 3) Sets up 13 years of state control over the people of Detroit – anti-union and anti-local democracy When Snyder passed right to work he did not care about retirees When Snyder taxed senior pensions he did not care So when Snyder came looking for a bail-out on the backs of Detroit Pensioners, David Nathan Voted No! When Snyder took our land-lines, Nathan Voted No! Let’s stand with the ONLY DEMOCRAT running in Senate District 5 who has consistently stood up against Rick Snyder. See you this Saturday between Noon and 5 PM OR SUNDAY between 4 and 7 pm.... Isaac Robinson VOLUNTEER for DAVID E. NATHAN for STATE SENATE p.s. DAVID E. NATHAN THE ONLY DEMOCRAT IN SENATE DISTRICT 5 ENDORSED BY BOTH THE 13th and 14th DISTRICT DEMS and to top it off the WAYNE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC BLACK CAUCUS TOO….. WITH BALLOTS OUT, NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE CALLS OR DONATE TO HELP NATHAN GET HIS MESSAGE OUT ARE YOU IN? NEED FUNDS to Counter THE SECRET FUNDED - COMMUNITY FIRST FOUNDATION.... Stop the Sndyer Agenda!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 05:26:08 +0000

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