HELP SAVE OUR TRAILS!!! As you all have heard several times - TopicsExpress


HELP SAVE OUR TRAILS!!! As you all have heard several times recently HR-4685 threatens to close much of the Los Padres Forest OHV trails in our back-country. As it stands right now they are saying that it will not close any designated trails, but they have also refused to put any strong language in the bill that would guarantee that. Not having the trails protected by congressional law leaves the green organizations free to file a lawsuit after the bill is passed on the grounds that the trails, roads, campsites & etc. are not compatible with the wilderness and/or wild and scenic river designations. And we all know how they love those lawsuits that they get all expenses paid for by John Q Taxpayer, win loose or draw. I have sent a letter on club letterhead to Lois Capps that outlines the problems we have with the bill and also spells out what it would take to get the club to move away from opposing the bill. Club members and all those who want to help should all write to their congress person and express your opposition to the bill. It might be premature as the bill is only in committee right now and not yet on the floor but we are in hopes that the bill will die in committee just like the Gallegly bill did (wilderness bill with OHV additions). Be sure to mention Congresswoman Lois Capps, the originator of HR-4685. You can find out who your congress person is here: Here are some more fyi facts for addition to those posted previously: All land that fits the 1964 congressional description of wilderness has already been designated as such. The USFS has not recommended any of the lands in HR-4685 for wilderness, none, not one acre. Much of the land in the bill are bad lands and not consistent with what land is typically considered desirable as wilderness. The green groups have an enormous voice so if we are to have any hope of competing we need to make some noise! Phil
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 18:40:32 +0000

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