HELP! Somebody come over here and slap me up side the head - TopicsExpress


HELP! Somebody come over here and slap me up side the head please! I have no idea what is the matter with me.... first of all, I watched that movie ELF tonight and at the end part of it, I blubbered like a baby! As Tom Hanks said in a movie once... THERE AINT NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!.... well, there shouldnt be no crying in a COMEDY either! And then... and then... Ive gone and done something out of sheer boredom that I havent done in over 15 yrs... youre not gonna believe what I did... I had washed my hair tonight (yes, people like me do wash their hair at 1:00 in the morning).. and was rumaging around looking for the hair dryer when I stumbled upon this old plastic bag I had from years ago that was full of old, long SPONGE CURLERS... yeah, I know... but there they were and bored I was, so yes... I curled my hair tonight. No place to go, nothing to do tomorrow, nobody but Baby Tobi to see me (will probably scare him to death...dont think hes ever seen me with my hair down before!) and no idea why I felt compelled to try and roll my hair... but I did it anyway. My arms are too tired from holding up my hair to try and get it on those stupid rollers to type much longer, otherwise Id tell you about how my fingernails (all 3 of them) got tangled up in the hair and the rollers and how Im sure the neighbors called 911 with all the yelling and screaming going on over here as I tried to extricate the comb that got caught somehow between the curlers and my hair, etc., etc. Do other old people go through this, too? Is this some kind of a stage or something? SIGH.... I just dont know anymore.. did I mention I have no idea how Im going to sleep tonight with all these things in my hair??? Oy Vay !! Oh well... well just wait and see what the morning brings... :-/
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 07:29:54 +0000

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