HELPFUL HINTS FOR BIBLE STUDY The study of the Bible is no option - TopicsExpress


HELPFUL HINTS FOR BIBLE STUDY The study of the Bible is no option for Christians. It cannot be a minor or occasional pursuit. God speaks to us in no other way than the sacred scriptures. Many have noble resolves when it comes to reading and studying the Bible. I read once that Genesis and Matthew are the most read books of the Bible. The reason being, many make new years resolutions to read the Bible and they start at either Genesis or Matthew. By the time they finish those books the fervor of their good intentions has subsided. Perhaps if some direction were given to the resolve to study the Bible more would be accomplished. Here are a few suggestions to assist in your study of God’s Word. First. study the Bible daily. That’s what the Bereans did (Acts 17:11). We may study the Bible more than once a day, of course, and occasionally there are days when legitimate concerns consume the time we nomially spend studying. But we should discipline our lives to include a daily period of Bible study just as we discipline ourselves to have regular periods of sleep. meals and so on. If we neglect daily Bible reading, we grow lax in spiritual things. We throw ourselves open to temptation and sin which easily follows. The time we set aside for Bible study may be long for some. For others who must lead tight schedules it might be shorter say ten or fifteen minutes. But it should be a fixed habit and at a set period of time. A second suggestion is study the Bible systematically. Such was the instruction of Joshua (Josh. 1:8). A random dipping here and there is a mistake in Bible study. First select a book, one of the gospels or Acts is a good place for a new Christian to begin. Read it carefully several times, perhaps even aloud. Divide the book into its chief sections then see how they are related to each other. Try studying key words in these sections. Third, study the Bible devotionally. There is a danger in stressing systematic study that it will become mechanical. We may approach the Bible as we would some secular text. Don’t forget we study the Bible to know God, hear his voice and be changed as we grow in holiness. If we want the Bible to be a part of us try memorizing some of it. Educational systems today do little to stress memorization. Those of us who were educated thirty or so years ago know how things we memorized have stayed with us and become part of us. That’s what we need as Christians. Finally, in studying the Bible don’t forget to pray. That’s what Daniel did (Dan. 9:1-3). Ask God’s helj.. for wisdom to understand. Ask for the strength to give you courage to obey. It is then we will enjoy true freedom. “If you abide in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:3 1-32). - Leon Cole
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 08:40:04 +0000

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