HEMP= High Altitude Electro Magnetic Pluse. EMP Bomb.. Our Gov. - TopicsExpress


HEMP= High Altitude Electro Magnetic Pluse. EMP Bomb.. Our Gov. and Military are doing nothing to prevent this. I saw on the Natl news a few days ago about a Solar Flare from the sun that was tremendous. Lucky for us it was not in the line of sight of the earth. Several small ones are hitting the earth now. NASA is predicting SOLAR FLARES will happen sooner than later. I find these Flares and HEMP BOMBS very interesting. Have you studied any of these? I have. NASA says a massive SOLAR FLARE would reverse the Earths magnetic fields and an EMP that would wipe out all Power Grids, all Cell phones, all communications, and everything that is electronic. HEMP BOMBS do the same thing and can be made with simple components that are in a cell phone. In other words a 12 year old could make one. These HEMP Bombs are easy to obtain. Terrorist that have the financial means can buy them anywhere. And heres the really scary part: this may sound unbelievable, but... Building An EMP Device Is Not Expensive Or Difficult! A small EMP device that fries your cellphone can be built with just a few bucks, some batteries and spare parts you can find in a camera. Even 12 year olds build EMP devices for science projects. Theres no need for fancy technologies or billion-dollar investments to make it. I know the condition of the USAs Power Grids, they are so out of date that the least little shake up in the Grid could cause a very long POWER OUTAGE that could last for months. I have said all along the way I would take a country in WAR time would be to STARVE that country. People will go crazy and kill their family for food in about 1- 2 months. You remember Canada had a situation Just look at what happened in 1989 in Canada when a tiny geomagnetic storm collapsed Quebecs electricity transmission system. The power network went offline in less than 90 seconds, leaving the city in complete darkness without any power for 9 hours. This 1989 solar flare will seem like a rehearsal compared to whats about to come. Thats because, according to NASA, in 2014 and 2015 the sun will reach its peak activity. This means that theres a huge chance well experience the devastating effects of a massive EMP. A NASA simulation study reveals what will happen to our high-tech, modern society in the event of solar storm like the one from 1859. The conclusion was that nothing is immune to solar flares, and HEMP Bombs. Electricity Is Like The Heart Of The Human Body... When It STOPS Pumping Everything SHUTS DOWN Your T.V., laptop, fridge, your oven, cell phones, kitchen appliances and the radio... will be useless. GPS navigation, banking, and transportation... all your utilities including gas, electricity and water would cease to work anymore; No one in our country can survive something like this. During an EMP, civilization will be sent back to the middle ages and most people wont be able to cope. Imagine the smart-phone generation forced to live like cavemen.. Power outages would be followed by nation-wide blackouts, radio silence and satellite breakdowns...leaving the world in total chaos. What follows is imminent DEATH for a million of people in 1-2 months.100 million in less than a year. The LAMBs will not have a clue of what to do. The Amish do. They would cease to exist because the rioting mobs would kill them and take all they have. But As Dangerous As Solar Flares Are... Thats NOT What Sends Panic Through The U.S. Military, NASA, And The Entire Department Of Defense Solar flares are just the tip of the iceberg. Theres a threat much more likely to happen. An event with even more catastrophic impact, ready to send our country into collapse at any moment. The mother of all EMPs could come from right here on earth...Something set to bring countries to their knees ... an EMP bomb... A man-made device that causes an explosion which replicates the effects of a solar flare. First, PEOPLE need to realize just how fragile our power grid is. People were panicking when the stock and bonds system was downgraded to an A-. Imagine what would happen if people only knew OUR NATIONS POWER GRID IS RATED D+. NASA knows, thats why they shiver at the thought of a solar flare. America relies on an electric grid based on 1880s systems... Its so bad, it could give out at any moment WITHOUT an EMP attack. In 2011 alone there were 3,071 blackouts in the U.S. That amounts to 85 days of blackouts while the average duration of a blackout is 3 and a half hours. Just think of how often the power goes out in California or New York... and thats without an EMP. So in just a few years the power grid might be overwhelmed by national demands. If I were a terrorist with financial backing this is where I would concentrate my efforts. It would not have been on the WORLD TRADE CENTERS. Thats small stuff. And lets face it... the U.S. hasnt exactly been making friends over the past decades. North Korea, Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, China, all the enemies weve been making back since World War II have the power to detonate an HEMP over U.S. soil. And as if HEMPs arent easy enough to build any kind of warhead can be easily bought on the black market, especially an HEMP device. In fact it doesnt even have to be a country. Any terrorist, or any kind of terrorist organization, can easily do it. You now realize that youre under-prepared at best! Your food and water supply are almost gone and youre freezing. Most of the food is rotten and the kids are scared and cold. You managed to protect your home so far, but in the last couple of days RIOTS HAVE STARTED... People are starting to turn on each other, they went from civil to psychotic in just a few moments. Theyre desperate. They need food and you still have some. Across the street you see fire spreading on your next-door neighbors lawn. Looters are running the streets of your once peaceful neighborhood. You havent seen any of your neighbors in weeks. You might have to leave your home if you want to survive. You heard rumors about people being shipped off to FEMA camps. Hospitals have no POWER at all, backup Generators do not work. and so on and so on.. I think you understand what I am getting at. We are prepared for anything like this.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:49:26 +0000

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