HENRY KAYIRA: A PENTECOSTAL BISHOP AT ODDS WITH REALITY AS HE REJECTS THE LORD’S COMMAND TO SELL POSSESSION: ‘’The whole story in Luke !2 is about a man who was serving his wealth, and if u want to put that command into us that we ought to sell our property then I think you haven’t read it well. The first believers were doing it not as a command as they were convicted to do so. …..’’-Bishop Henry Kayira. The bishop, like fellow Pentecostal and charismatic ministers are known for bizarre claims. They redefine biblical terminologies to suit the preconceived notions they now embrace. According to this ‘’spirit filled’’ divine, Luke 12:33 is about a man who was serving his wealth, hence has no relevance to Christians today. ‘’The whole story in Luke 12 is about a man who was serving his wealth, and if you want to put that command in to us that we ought to sell our property, then I think you haven’t read it well.’’-Bishop Henry Kayira. Without batting an eye, the bishop makes one of the most wretched perversions of scripture. If the command to sell possession was directed to the disciples, how can it be said that it was not about them? Have words ceased to express intelligible ideas?’’Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Sell what ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which grow not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not……’’ (Luke 12:32-33). Who, in his right senses can fail to perceive in the above texts to whom the command and the promises were directed ? Is it true that the whole story in Luke 12 pertains to a man who served his wealth? ‘’The first believers were doing it, not as a command as they were convicted to do so,’’ the bishop continues conjecture. But, the good man of God is greatly mistaken in his views. Are we not admonished by apostle Paul to follow him as an example. ‘’Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them who walk even as ye have us for an example. ‘’ (Philippians 3:17). If the first believers were convicted to obey the Lord’s command to sell possession, what is their explanation for failure to follow the apostles as examples in conformity with the apostolic admonition? Still, if the conviction to do so was good and he that knows to do good and does it not, to him it is sin, why do they have to perpetually live with this sin? We are amazed at Pentecostal and charismatic urge upon believers to ‘’return to Pentecost’’ in practice but selectively embrace only ‘’spiritual gifts’’ of that era but shun ‘’the fruit of the spirit’’ manifested in the lives of those godly saints. Yet they pride themselves as sinless perfectionists. Charles O. Ndege
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:12:54 +0000

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