HERBAL BATHS FOR ACHES AND PAINS By Witchwoman Agrimony is an - TopicsExpress


HERBAL BATHS FOR ACHES AND PAINS By Witchwoman Agrimony is an herb that can be turned into a bath or poultice by making a decoction. Boil four of the dried leaves of the agrimony in one quart of water and then either enjoy the feeling of aches fading away in a bath, or wrap the decoction in pads of cloth around your feet and legs. This is a fine medication when taken externally. Its soothing and you should feel better quickly. Knobgrass is another very good remedy for aches and pains. You should apply the leaves directly to your legs and feet, and if you have a bruise or another contusion, the herbs helps them to heal. So its a fine poultice too. Allspice (the fresh, whole nugget) is excellent for alleviating aches and pains. It is said to have properties that make it anesthetic in a bath. Take some of the allspice--a few nuggets--and grind into a fine mash. Add to bathwater and see if your body doesnt relax right away. Other herbs that may be used in baths are especially helpful to any aches you may feel as a result of being tired. You may want the effect of the bath to be astringent so that you can pop out of the bath ready for a lively evening of dancing. If you feel the need for this type of bath, or have in mind someone you want to stimulate as well, try adding strawberry root, mixed with some of its leaves, and feel how springy you are right away. Sage is another plant that will stir your tired blood to action. Add a handful of fresh sage leaves to your bathwater for the desired effect. If you want the opposite effect to take place, and wish to spend the evening sleeping in your bed, then have a bath with marjoram leaves in it. Stretch out in the tub with a candle and book of love poems and just relax. Passion flower will have the same effect as the marjoram, so you can change the perfume of your herbal baths occasionally.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:18:17 +0000

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