HERE ARE PART OF THE LESSONS IVE LEARNT IN LIFE:.....I HAVE LEARNT TO BE INDEPENDENT.Dont depend on anybody.Your friend can dissapont you even your parents.Learn to be independent.If you dont realy get me,just read this:One day,my friend and I decided to share topics we will read for our Exam so that we can help each order during the exam because the subject is too voluminous.But eventually,all what he read came out but mine didnt come out, still i was happy because we are very good friends.To put my words in a stock of words,he dessaponted me! Since that day,ive learnt to be independent irrespective of my relationship with anyone.....I HAVE LEARNT NOT TO COMPARE MYSELF WITH ANYBODY.Comparing yourself with somebody else will not improve you but affect you from improving.But ive got you the best person you can compare yourself with;YOURSELF! I have never compared myself with anybody before.I only compare myself with MYSELF to see if ive improved than the person i was yesterday........I HAVE LEARNT TO BE FRIENDLY.In life,God will only help you by sending friends to you.I meant; you can only be helpt through people.But the question is: How many people are your enemies? Please try to be always friendly.Make people happy and help them because somebody will help you either.Thats one of my secrets!......I HAVE LEARNT TO BE NEEDED.So many people need me because im loaded.If you arent loaded you cant be needed.People will tend to give you contract,help you and have you only when you are loaded with stuffs.Thats why i love learning almost everything my hands find eventhough am not parfect in it.Be creative and loaded.Do everything you have opportunity of doing-it may not help today but help tomorow.What about things you learnt in life? Thanks!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:32:32 +0000

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