HERE ARE THE SIGNS OF MRS RIGHT:- 1. SHE HAS NO DRAMA A mature woman will not be a drama queen, women with drama shows how immature she is to handle some issue without raising an alarm. This kind of women will make something small to be a big issue, she will make things bad for you cause she doesn’t reason with you. Such kind of women Doesn’t deserve you. 2. SHE IS A SUPPORTER. A real woman should be supportive, not depressive. Be part of your man’s goal and ambition support him and stand by his side, this shows how much you contribute in his life and this makes him work extra hard. Don’t oppose his goals or what he has in store for the future of you two. Be supportive always. 3. HARDWORKING WOMAN. Every woman should at least be independent, you shouldn’t just rely on your man alone on some things. Work hard on your side, be willing to help the family financially if the need arises. That shows how you can stand on your own without your man being there for you. This kind of women are worthy dating. 4. SHE MAKES HER MAN HAPPY. A happy man will never go a day without thinking of his woman who makes him smile all day. Men also want to see woman make him happy, it creates good memories, such woman deserve better, always make your man happy and you will see the same being done to you. 5. GODLY WOMAN. A committed woman of God knows where she’s heading, a woman who knows God First knows what is required for her man. Every man sees power and success in a praying woman.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 14:21:59 +0000

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