HERE COMES THE DREAMER Memorise: In a dream, in a vision of the - TopicsExpress


HERE COMES THE DREAMER Memorise: In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, Job 33:15-16 Read: Genesis 37:9-19, Bible in one year: 2 Samuel 21-22, Proverbs 14:4-17 Dreams are important. Psychoanalysts believe that dreams are an indication of the dreamer’s inner longings, desires and cravings, released from the deep sub- conscious during the state of sleep. Dreams can therefore be the manifestation of the inner yearnings of the dreamer’s heart let loose during sleep; they can also be spiritually induced. Dreams play a significant role in the life of human beings. Paul received direction on where to preach next through a dream in Acts 16:9 “And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; there stood a man of Macedonia, and help us.” Dreams are sometimes mysterious; such dreams convey revelations. To understand them, interpretation is required. Have you been having strange experiences in your dreams? My sincere prayer is that the Good Lord will grant you victory in your dreams and turn your God-sent dreams into reality in Jesus’ Name. Dreams can be classified by their features. One such classification includes: dreams as a message from God or the devil, dreams as the carrier of a message concealed in mysteries; and dreams as a result of activity or thoughts. Sources of dreams are God, the devil and the flesh. God relates with man through dreams for specific reasons. These reasons can be any of these: to instruct him to carry out an action (Matthew 2:13), to warn him of an impending danger (Matthew 2:22), to teach him (Job 33:15-16), to encourage him (Genesis 31:10-13), to rebuke him (Genesis 31:24), to correct him ((Genesis 20:3-7) and to bless or make a covenant with him (Genesis 28:12-15). The devil relates with man to cause fear and unbelief, to inflict man with sicknesses or death, to make diabolical covenants with him and to mislead him. Most dreams men have are from the flesh. A dream from the flesh simply means the revelation of the dreamer’s carnal longings and desires being let loose at the moment of sleep. Are you facing afflictions of your dreams? Please check your life. How pure are your thoughts? How will you rate your prayer life? All these go a long way in determining the type of dreams you have. Moreover, many people dream and can be described as mere dreamers, whereas those who succeed in life are men and women with dream. However, while the dreamer talks much but does little, the person with a dream talks little but does much. Which are you: a mere dreamer or a person with a dream? Action Point Those who make it in life do something about their dreams. They attempt the impossible, thereby discovering what God can do. Do something about your dream today.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 22:32:12 +0000

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