HERE IS A TFTD. Think of the day you started something good that - TopicsExpress


HERE IS A TFTD. Think of the day you started something good that continues to this day. It could be a day that you started doing something or it could be the day you started to stop doing something. The reason that I suggest that you do this is because, one of the most important words in your life is the word, start.. Starting presents a challenge but once you get it going it works for you. When an airplane takes off, the pilots pushes the thrusters forward, the engines scream, everybodys bodies are pushed back in the seats and most of the fuel for the trip is comsumed in the takeoff, but once you are up there, you can cruise towards your destination.. You can expect some turbulence along the way but you can make it. Usually, when an airplane starts, it has to make huge course corrections to get on course toward its destination. I have taken off from Narita airport Several times, in Tokyo to Japan headed to Beijing and the plane usually banks hard to the left or to the right, depending on the air traffic, in order to get on course, but once it is on course, it cruises. When I met my wife of 37 years I had to start doing something that was totally out of the box for me, and that is that I had to start opening my mouth, given that I was extremely shy and introverted. That day I started opening my mouth to this strange lady. WHEW!!!! I was banking hard, but ince we got going -- well, let me put it this way, We been cruising for 37 years. There was another time I got started something and when I did start, there were a lot of things in may way, so I had to bank hard on my takeoff. I was, in fact, banking hard to the right. It was one night on Minnesota Avenue in Southeast Washington DC. I turned to Jesus. My spiritual thrusters were opened and everything in me was screaming as I bank hard toward Jesus Christ He lifted me and we have been cruising towards heaven together every since that day. I am not going to tell you that there has not been some turbulence along the way, but we are still cruising together and it is working for me. (All things do work together for good to those who love the Lord...). The message is that whatever you start today that is good, give it all you have. Maybe it is a diet, maybe you will start to stop something negative or sinful. My advice is START! BANK HARD! GET ON COURSE! and God will lift you up. He will fix it for you! I know that this is a clique that you hear in church all the time, but it is the true.! He will! I know He will! Life is so full of worthy goals you can start. Here are some of the things that you might start. You might start:1. Being the best child of God2. Being the best friend3. Being the best husband or wife4. Being the best preacher or pastor5. Dieting6. Being the best brother or sister, deacon7. Musician8. Start stopping being a job gossiper9. Being the best employee10. Start stopping letting people press your button11. Start some serious Bible StudyWhatever it is start and if you need advice on how to hang in there, God will provide the answers. We have but to ask.I give Jim Van Horn credit for the plane metaphor. What a powerful inspiration he has been in my life of recent days.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:10:53 +0000

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