HERE IS THE PROBLEM: LACK OF WELFARE BOTHERS OBAMA, NOT LACK OF SECURITY! The more Obama’s insane policies cripple our economy, the more our military will wither, and not be able to compete with emerging super power China. With the addition of FIVE MILLION illegals, most of which are unskilled and uneducated, that will make competition for jobs that much harder while driving U.S. wages down even lower. Companies are already struggling with the dead weight Obamacare hangs around the necks of small business owners, and despite a stock bubble built primarily on cheap interest rates from the Fed, the economy doesn’t even remotely resemble a recovery. How anyone could say otherwise with 35.4% OF AMERICANS ON SOME FORM OF GOVERNMENT WELFARE and almost 97 MILLION UNEMPLOYED is beyond me! Everyone knows a strong military is derived from a strong economy. Obama continues to expand the welfare state, while strangling businesses from being able to grow the economy. It’s only a matter of time before this all blows up sky high. Think about it: Obama has taken a debt he inherited of $9 TRILLION which was the national debt incurred since the FOUNDING of our country, and made DOUBLED IT to $18 TRILLION in six years, and WE THE PEOPLE have absolutely NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT! NO ONE CAN SAY WE HAVEN’T HAD WARNING! Both Russia and China have shown every sign imaginable that they are getting more aggressive militarily and that they plan to challenge us for military dominance. THE PENTAGON HAS ALREADY SAID IT EXPECTS CHINESE MILITARY ADVANCES TO OVERTAKE THE U.S. WITHIN FIVE YEARS. Even a U.S. pilot says THANKS TO ESPIONAGE, CHINA’S NEW STEALTH CAN LIKELY MATCH THE F-35, and probably at a fraction of the cost. We also know China’s submarine fleet recently joined a very exclusive club that previously only included the United States and Russia. They can NOW LAUNCH NUCLEAR MISSILES from their submarines. Russia has been much more aggressive than China with Putin going so far AS TO THREATEN TO NUKE THE U.S. AND IT’S ALLIES. Stories also recently broke on RUSSIA’S PLAN TO DESTROY THE U.S. NAVY. Just this week we learned Russia has unveiled a new NATIONAL DEFENSE CENTER, along with their own 5th generation stealth fighter that allegedly can OUTFLY AND OUTSHOOT THE AMERICAN F-35. They’ve also drastically UPGRADED THEIR TANKS WHICH ARE SAID TO BE FAR MORE SUPERIOR THAN CURRENT U.S. TANKS. DO WE HEAR ABOUT ANY OF THIS IN THE NEWS? NO… WE HEAR AL SHARPEN RUNNING HIS MOUTH! THE UNITED STATES IS DOOMED! Read on...
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 22:00:01 +0000

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