HERE`S WHAT THAT PIECE OF SHIT TOM COBURN THINKS ABOUT VETERANS ! Report: 60,000 veterans got triple benefits last year — legally Some lawmakers say the report shows the need for better coordination among government programs that are facing severe financial constraints. The Social Security Disability Insurance trust fund could run out of money in as soon as two years, government officials say. “We should fulfill our promises to the men and women who serve, but we need to streamline these duplicative programs,” said Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., who requested the study. Louis Celli Jr., a Washington representative for the American Legion, said critics of the multiple benefits are “misguided and uninformed.” He said the report “should simply be filed in the category of one of Sen. Coburn’s parting shots to loyal upstanding American patriots who have sacrificed so much for this country.” Coburn, a longtime critic of government spending, is retiring at the end of the year. He said in an interview that the report raises legitimate questions about whether disability benefits are getting to those who truly need them. “This is billions of dollars a year in duplicative payments,” Coburn said. “We ought to reassess and say, `Are we doing more than take care of people in need?’ I’m not against the military. I don’t think they should be triple dipping.”
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:53:26 +0000

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