HERES AN--I THINK--HUMOROUS PIECE I JUST DASHED OFF TO MY STATE FARM REP: Hi, Kolton-- As a first point Id like you to know I get it that you may not be able to relate to what you are about to read since we probably come from financial perspective that are very divergent. Therefore I know how something like this could easily get past you--I certainly dont think that there was any ill will or malice in any of this! As Ive said on the phone, you have provided service of a highly exemplary level 100% of the time! I have discussed my State Farm experiences with friends and have always stated so. No sarcasm! OK, so...I thought Id relate a humorous series of events; the final one of these happened about 10 minutes ago as I opened my mail today. Having financial problems after a recent 40% cut in income due to not working after a surgical procedure last December and trying to get a little fudge factor or cushion in my budget, I recently requested State Farm to change my payment plan from auto-pay to the type in which one sends in a check shortly after an invoice is received. I was thinking that there may be a day or two grace period between actual payment and the day on which the payment is due. That would come in handy should I be short of funds until an upcoming day or two away payday! My agent told me it could be done although it would involve a bit of extra work on his part. I was ok with that, even a bit pleased because I think this person has a far more substantial income than I and might be doing something to justify it. With much surprise, I received a short time afterwards a letter of payment confirmation that my bank account had been debited to the tune of over $300. On some level I was pleased and a bit relieved, since my insurance payments were taken care of for the next 6 months! It was disconcerting however to realize that my request was--to say the least--not granted. Here are the humorous parts of my tale of woe: Not realizing what happened until the confirmation letter came, I continued my new and lower-margined financial practices as usual. Writing my standard check for rent and placing it in my landlords drop box, I was shortly afterward contacted with the information my check had bounced, lol! Further--and it gets really good here--ten minutes ago I received in the mail a Customer Satisfaction Survey How cool is that ?!? Oh, and the envelope it came in was accompanied by another envelope. Inside I noticed another form letter. It had a few bullet points listed, but the gist of the letter was to offer a discount of some sort, no doubt a disguised attempt to sell me something and further create a rift between myself and my hard assets. I noticed that the first, the very first of the bullet points stated that I am in control of how much I pay. That was pretty cool to read also! Im having a real struggle trying to decide which of these are the coolest. Its difficult to determine. Sincerely, James Pearce Chemical Tecnician, Winstar Golf Course Sorry, meant to include this as support for my statement about your probable lack of ability to relate to my situation... State Farm Claims Representative Salary Salaries in USD United States Average Total Pay — Salary / Bonus / Other (75) $48,826 Cash Bonus (23) $4,500 Stock Bonus (2) $700 Profit Sharing (1) n/a
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:17:20 +0000

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