HERES the SYNOPSIS on the FIGHT AGAINST OBAMAs proposed amnesty - TopicsExpress


HERES the SYNOPSIS on the FIGHT AGAINST OBAMAs proposed amnesty for ILLEGAL ALIENS, at the G.O.P. GOVERNORS CONVENTION in Boca Raton, Florida: LIST OF CLINTON REPUBLICANS (FULL OF SHIT, AND SPONSORED BY METH-RUNNERS AND HEROIN-SMUGGLERS, WHO DEPEND ON ILLEGALS TO PEDDLE THEIR FILTH): Jebediah Jefferson Hog, Rand Paul, Cris Christie, Scott Walker, Rick Snyder, John Kasich. LIST OF GOVERNORS TAKING A REAL CONSERVATIVE STAND, RESPECTFUL OF LAW AND ORDER AND NATIONAL SECURITY, AND WILLING TO SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT TO PREVENT WOULD-BE-EMPEROR OBAMA ANY FUNDING WHATSOEVER: Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, Brownback, Pence. (Therefore, these are now acceptable Presidential Candidates, except for Cruz, who is dangerously close to AIPAC, which is a National Security breech, and an unpopular move, according to latest polls. Jindal took the bravest stance of all, which earns him major points. Though he is an Indian-American, he behaved as morally as a Pakistani). POINTS FOR CREATIVITY: Perry (threatening a lawsuit against Obama). Mike Pence (deny Obama funding). To sum it up: Mr. Pence, a former House member, encouraged Congress to “use the power of the purse to work the will of the American people.” Normally restrained, Mr. Pence could barely contain his frustration.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 07:55:01 +0000

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