HEREWITH IS A GOOD, FUNDAMENTAL, BIBLICAL GOOD FOUNDATIONAL TEACHING AB OUT THE TRUE WAY.TRUTH AND LIFE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST..INCLUDING THE BIBLICAL WAY OF WATER BAPTISM DECEMBER 2, 2013 TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1:15 P.M. “...SPIRIT—BLOOD—WATER...” Today in most of “all your churches there is absolutely NO mention of REPENTANCE, and very, very little of WATER BAPTISM, and the most overlooked is THE BLOOD... I want to get into all THREE aspects of these important issues today. Since there, as I said is not being covered at all... “...Jesus said unto him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the FATHER, BUT BY ME...” John 14:6 “...He that EATETH MY FLESH, AND DRINKETH MY BLOOD, dwelleth IN ME, AND I IN HIM. As the LIVING FATHER hath sent me, and I LIVE BY THE FATHER, so he that EATETH, EVEN HE SHALL LIVE BY ME...” “...Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is The Son of God? THIS IS HE THAT CAME BY WATER AND BLOOD, even Jesus Christ; NOT BY WATER ONLY, B UT BY WATER AND BLOOD...And it is the SPIRIT THAT BEARETH WITNESS, Because The Spirit is TRUTH. FOR THERE ARE THREE THAT BEAR RECORD IN HEAVEN, THE FATHER, THE WORD, AND THE HOLY GHOST: ANDN THESE THREE ARE ONE...And there are THREE that BEAR WITNESS IN THE EARTH, THE SPIRIT, THE WATER AND THE BLOOD: AND THESE THREE AGREE IN ONE...” 1 John 5:5-8 I believe that each GENERATION or so that comes and goes has increased KNOWLEDGE, not only in the Spiritual things..but also the natural.. We must always remember that ALL NEW REVELATIONS will never, ever SUPERCEED THE ALREADY REVEALED WORD OF TRUTH.. There is ALWAYS PRESENT TRUTH as The Spirit REVEALS TO US, but as I said IT WILL NEVER CONTRADICT THE ALREADY REVEALED WORD OF GOD..There is NEVER ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION..Revelation will interpret by THE WORD OF GOD ITSELF. Man and woman are THREE, that is “spirit”, “soul” and also “body”. Lets go on further. THE BLOOD DOES REDEEMS US “...Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by TRADITION from your fathers; But with THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot...” 1 Peter 1:18,19 “...BEING BORN AGAIN, not of corruptible SEED, but of incorruptible, BY THE WORD OF GOD, which liveth and abideth forever...” 1 Peter 1:23 BENEFITS FROM THIS PRECIOUS BLOOD: 1/...REDEEMED BY HIS BLOOD 2/...BEGOTTEN BY HIS WORD 3/...CIRCUMCISED AND NAMED BY WATER BAPTISM 4/...WASHED AND CLEANSED and continually TAUGHT BY HIS WORD. 5/...BAPTIZED INTO HIS BODY by the precious HOLY GHOST 6/...ANOINTED TO receive THE GIFTS OF HIS SPIRIT 7/...CALLED TO RECEIVED THE ADOPTION OF SONS & DAUGHTERS Now then,...WHAT ARE WE REDEEMED FROM? We are “redeemed from the substance of the devils contaminated BLOOD OF OUR FOREFATHERS...So after having ATE of the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, after eating from it..They are now SUBJECT to all that death brings. Now we are all “subjects of his domain”..HE IS THE PRINCE OF THE power OF THE AIR..that works in all the children of DISOBEDIENCE. So whatever YOU EAT..YOU BECOME JUST LIKE IT... The Lord Father sent of HIS SUBSTANCE [his self] and HE WAS TO REDEEM US BACK TO SONSHIP ONCE AGAIN...And the only way for that to happened was for there to be a PERFECT SACRIFICE...This is why that just any old man could NOT DO..Because ALL BLOOD WAS CORRUPTED...It had to be His BLOOD, that was uncorrupted, because HE DIDNT HAVE ANY OF THE BLOOD OF HIS EARTHLY OR MOTHERS WITHIN HIM..HE HAD ONLY THE FATHERS BLOOD WITHIN HIM..Had to be..If not THEN HIS BLOOD WAS NOT WORTHY TO REDEEM US... WHAT YOU EAT...BECOMES PART OF YOU...With everything that WE BEGET, [ take in to us ] THERE IS ALSO A CONCEPTION FIRST...You HEAR before you BELIEVE...HOW CAN THEY HEAR UNLESS THERE IS A PREACHER? So first YOU HEAR...It has been CONCEPTION FIRST, THEN A BEGETTAL.. There is a GOT TO BE A N A M I N G of any child, but FIRST BEFORE THAT HAPPENS at the 8TH. DAY..That CHILD IS NAMED...not before..SO IT IS WITH CIRCUMSICION...Before any child could be TAKEN INTO THE TEMPLE..HE HAD TO BE CIRCUMCISED [ ON THE 8TH. DAY ] AND NAMED AT THAT TIME..R E A D I T! So the BLOOD was shed to GIVE REMISSION OF OUR SINS..The BLOOD REMITS..It does not make us spiritual..IT REDEEMS US BACK TO GOD..After we HAVE BEEN REDEEMED, that is His perfect possession has been BOUGHT BACK TO GOD BY THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THE LAMB OF GOD..Now the CONVERTING IT BACK or the RESTORING BACK, OR THE R E S T O R I N G OF US ALL BACK THROUGH HIS SPIRIT BEGINS. C O N V E R S I O N Starts ONLY AFTER IT HAS BEEN REDEEMED..Please remember what Jesus told Peter?”...WHEN THOU ART CONVERTED...? STRENGTHEN THY BRETHREN. O V E R C O M E R S My friend Dean Tredwell here in Jacksonville, Florida called me and asked me to come fill in for him in a Sunday Morning service..I said that I would. I began to prepare for that service...I looked in His Word and my eyes fell upon this Scripture here in Revelation 12:11 “...And they OVERSAME HIM BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, AND BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY..” And The Lord spoke to me..YOUR TESTIMONY IS NO GOOD UNLESS I AM LIVING WITHIN YOU... That immediately brought me over to Colossians 1:27,28 where it speaks about CHRIST IN YOU...THE HOPE OF GLORY...So He was saying to my spirit UNLESS CHRIST [ the anointing ] LIVES AND ABIDES IN US...WE HAVE NO TESTIMONY.. The BLOOD REDEEMS...REMITS SIN...AND IT ALSO SANCTIFIES...BUT IT ALSO HEALS OUR MORTAL BODIES..Isaiah 53, 1 Pet.2:24 Jesus is saying here in John 3:3-5 HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN..I want us to see here that Jesus is giving a very clear picture HOW WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN...WE ARE NOT BORN AGAIN BY THE BLOOD...WE ARE BORN AGAIN OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT AND BY THE INCORRUPTIBLE WORD OF GOD 1 Peter 1:23 This is why we still HAVE BABIES IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD...One reason is, there are no real TEACHERS TO TEACH THEM THE WHOLE CONSUL OF HIS WORD..Yes! They have their Sunday School “teachers” that can READ from their “SUN.SCH. MANUALS”. But that is not really a GOD SENT TEACHER..IS IT? NO! WATER BAPTISM PRODUCES CIRCUMCISION OF THE HEART AND EARS Colossians 2:9-12 says this:For in Him the whole FULNESS OF DEITY [ the Godhead ] CONTINUES TO DWELL in bodily form---giving complete EXPRESSION OF THE DIVINE NATURE...And you are IN HIM, made full and have come to FULNESS OF LIFE—IN CHRIST..You too are filled with the GODHEAD: FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT, and then reach FULL SPIRITUAL STATURE. And He is the HEAD of all rule and authority of every angelic principality and power...[ Please watch closely now ] IN HIM ALSO YOU WERE CIRCUMCISED with the circumcision not made with HANDS, but in a SPIRITUAL CIRCUMCISION----PERFORMED BY CHRIST [ how ?] BY STRIPPING OFF THE BODY OF THE FLESH [ The whole corrupt, carnal nature with all its PASSIONS, AND LUSTS ] Thus were you CIRCUMCISED when you were BURIED WITH HIM IN YOUR BAPTISM IN WHICH YOU WERE ALSO RAISED WITH HIM TO A NEW LIFE---THROUGH YOUR FAITH IN THE WORKING OF GOD [ AS IS DISPLAYED] WHENEVER HE RAISED YOU FROM THE DEAD...” Hallelujah anyway!! We have covered a little bit about the BLOOD, THE WATER, Now we come to the SPIRIT... There is hardly ANY MANIFESTATION OF THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT IN ANY OF OUR CHURCHES ANYMORE!! THE SPIRIT GIVES LIFE...WITHOUT IT YOU HAVE A DEAD FORMAL CHURCH WITHOUT ANY MANIFESTATION OF HIS SPIRIT. W H A T I S T H E N E W B I R T H O F T H E S P I R I T??? Jesus told us that GOD IS A SPIRIT..Is that right? Yes it is! So in order for anyone to WORSHIP GOD...THEY MUST WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH...Oh! They are raising their hands...They are singing their songs, They say that they are worshipping God in SPIRIT..MAYBE! But how can any person, church or anyone TRULY WORSHIP GOD IN SIRIT AND IN TRUTH IF THEY ARE NOT IN THE WHOLE TRUTH...??? They have their “forms”, they have their “rituals”, they have their “ceremonials” BUT THAT IS WHAT IT IS...A FORM... To be completely RESTORED to the FULNESS WITH GOD [ John 4:24 ] we have to realize that to be LED INTO GREATER KNOWLEDGE...WE HAVE TO HAVE HIS SPIRIT INDWELLING WITHIN US.. To be BORN OF THE SPIRIT...Means to be BORN INTO A HIGHER REALM OF OUR UNDERSTANDING ALTOGETHER..Jesus said that WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN TO EVEN “SEE” these things in His spiritual realm at all...FLESH AND BLOOD HAS NOT REVEALED THIS TO US...IT IS BY HIS SPIRIT... Jesus completely LIVED IN THE SPIRIT REALM...Can we as SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD DO ANY LESS..If we are to be CONFORMED INTO HIS IAMGE...WE MUST BEGIN TO WALK AND TO LIVE IN AND BY THE SPIRIT ALWAYS, AT ALL TIMES... S P I R I T U A L B I R T H...Simply means BIIRTHED OF HIS SUBSTANCE...”...But OF HIM ARE YE IN CHIRST JESUS, who of God is MADE UNTO US WISDOM, and RIGHTEOUSNES, and SANCTIFICATION, and REDEMPTION:that according as it is written, He that glorieth, LET HIM GLORY IN THE LORD..” 1 Corinthians 1:30,31 To be actually CALLED THE SONS OF GOD..WE MUST FOLLOW THE PATTERN..Who is the “pattern”? J E S U S C H R I S T IS. HE BEGETS BY AND THROUGH HIS WORD, and we believe and receive by BEL.IEVING IT. We will be BAPTIZED in WATER [ no dipping ] to SIGNIFY THE REMISSION OF OUR SINS, to be able to PASS INTO HIS DEATH and to come out of the WATER to signify that we are NEW IN HIM...TO BE CIRCUMCISED IN OUR HEARTS AND EARS, AND NAMED INTO THE FAMILY COVENANT RELATIONSHIP THROUGH HIS NAME, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST..Acts 2:36-38 THE TRUE WATER BAPTISMAL FORMULA The ones that most churches use is of the CATHOLIC CHURCH and they will admit it to you..The PUT IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY GHOST IN THE COUNCIL IN THE 3RD. CENTURY..Ask them..Its in their BOOKS. Here below is the TRUE BIBLEWAY PATTERN IN THE NAME OF THE LORD=FATHER JESUS= SON CHRIST=HOLY GHOST That my dear friends IS THE ONLY WAY, THE ONLY TRUTH, AND THE ONLY LIFE...HE IS THNAT WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE... dhdh421.wix/donhuff Dhdh421@aol.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 02:31:28 +0000

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