HERMETIC AXIOM The ancient Hermetists have never sought to be - TopicsExpress


HERMETIC AXIOM The ancient Hermetists have never sought to be martyrs, and have, instead, sat silently aside with pitying smile on their closed lips, while the heathen raged noisily about them in their customary amusement of putting to death and torture the honest but misguided enthusiasts who imagined that they could force upon a race of barbarians the truth capable of being understood only by the elect who had advanced along The Path. And the spirit of persecution has not yet died out in the land. There are certain Hermetic Teachings, which, if publicly promulgated, would bring down upon the teachers a great cry of scorn and revilement from the multitude, who would again raise the cry of Crucify! Crucify! Three Initiates The KYBALION The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple (the human body) fly open. The Kybalion The allegory of, The Seven spirits of GOD, The Seven candle sticks of the menorah. The Book of Revelation The Seven major CHAKRA system and associated endocrine glands manifested in the Human body and all lower life forms. The Arcanum The perpetual manifested cyclic finger print of SPIRIT: The Seven musical notes, The Seven days of the week, the Seven years of complete cellular renewal of the human body. The Arcanum T he seventh letter G in the alphabet is the first letter in the name G-O-D. Seven denotes a number of completions such as in the Seven Principles of COSMIC LAW that holds the Universe together. The Seven Principles is an indication of the inseparable and immutable Omnipresence of SPIRIT in the Universe and within all of us without exceptions or exclusions. We see the evidence of The SPIRITS power in the motion of all celestial bodies in the macrocosm such as the Exploding quasars, swirling galaxies and hurdling worlds, including our own Earth, while everything moves through space with unimaginable velocity and the constant motion and vibration of atomic particles in the microcosm. All of this is the work of INFINITE SPIRIT. Imagine certain arrogant megalomaniacal humans that equate to the size of an insignificant infinitesimal gnat in view of all these things when compared to the size and power of SPIRIT. When attending church, synagogue, temple, mosque, bear these things in Mind because you can help each other advance in the Knowledge of SPIRIT and help struggling humanity for a meaning in Life and create a pollution free planet that is peaceful and prosperous not only for ourselves but for the future generations who are dependent on what we do today. The key to this is the Unity of Mind that can only be accomplished through the Knowledge and understanding of SPIRIT. It is the only key that will melt the territorial tendencies of country, religion, and individual arrogance towards one another. SPIRIT cannot be left out of the equation in our efforts because it is the only power that transcends human limitations and the superficiality of shaky written negotiations between countries. It is the only power that can establish trust between all of us. Why is SPIRIT not communicating with all of us? Because not all of us are listening to what SPIRIT has to say. We are too busy engaging in polluting our Minds with the egocentricity of religious noise and war. We have taken the helm of the INFINITE in our own lives and we live as if there is no God. Therefore, are we not good captains or stewards of our ship as we are making a mess out of ourselves and our planet. It is not without the horrifying consequences of CAUSE AND EFFECT. The default manifestation of SPIRIT is in the unconditional creation and preservation of Universal LIFE and prosperity for all humans without exception. We create poverty because of our ignorance of the abundance of SPIRIT and because of shortsighted greed that will prevent us from recognizing our own wealth and we are found in wanton and turn to the dark side in the futility of low passions and appetites for survival....
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 20:03:53 +0000

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