HERSTORY (NOT HISTORY) I felt I have been dying to tell this - TopicsExpress


HERSTORY (NOT HISTORY) I felt I have been dying to tell this story, and as I was planning to do so, I was wondering what part of my private story should I or could I dare to tell. I thought that of my suicide as most unsavoury. I was always thinking that night, the following day and the proceeding night. The rocky faces of three hefty men confused my confusion, because I had never seen them (not even in my nightmare). Another rape again? I thought. A loud cry accompanied my fear. Two young ladies in white rushed in and held me. I was temporarily silent. Another thought overthrew my minds territory and I began to think, why am I here? I was supposed to be dead by now, why am I here? No one heard all the questions I have asked myself but they smile with glee and frivolity that made me wondered what makes them euphoric but one thing I was sure it was not rape with the sight of the ladies. Suddenly, another tall dark man entered with a fairly used AK47 rifle behind him inform of drivers belt. That brought a sudden change of thought. I was kidnapped but who is going to pay for my ransom? But when he said something like saba to the others then I remembered I wasnt in Nigeria I was still in Benin Republic. My fear for kidnapping subsided. But when my husband finally came in, I started to think a new thought, he brought me for sacrifice. He didnt say a word, he only stared at me without blanking his eyes as water streamed from them. It was a crocodile tears I thought, a farewell cry. When he came closer to hold my hand, my loud cry returned. My husband was dragged away and a woman was brought in, it was only then that the real thought was welcome back to my mind. That cleared my mind of its guesstimates. But it gave room for for return of the terrible thing that happened. My attempted suicide, I bought a venomous drink from her. It was my husband that pushed me into that, because one day when I was double for about two months, I mean two Months of gestation... (Tired).
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:16:16 +0000

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