HESSEL’S “PEACEFUL INSURRECTION” OF 38 THOUSAND OF OUTRAGED PEOPLE IN PAULISTA AVENUE (SÃO PAULO-BRAZIL) IN THE 125th REPUBLIC PROCLAMATION COMMEMORATING DAY: A PREPARATION FOR REFLECTION ON DEMOCRACY, REPUBLIC AND POPULISM AMETHYST enviou o link de um blog para você: MASSAGE Blog: In fact, what’s wrong with the 2014 Brazils Presidential Election Runoff Results? Postagem: THE HESSELS BRAZILIAN “PEACEFUL INSURRECTION” S (HESSEL) OF 38 THOUSAND OF OUTRAGED PEOPLE IN PAULISTA AVENUE (SÃO PAULO-BRAZIL) IN THE 125th REPUBLIC PROCLAMATION COMMEMORATING DAY: A PREPARATION FOR REFLECTION ON DEMOCRACY, REPUBLIC AND POPULISM Link: infactwhatswrongwiththe2014brazilpres.blogspot/2014/11/the-hessels-brazilian-peaceful.html -- Powered by Blogger blogger/ [POST UNDER CONSTRUCTION] (ENGLISH VERSION) SAO PAULO, NOVEMBER 15, 2014. The BRAZILIAN “PEACEFUL INSURRECTION” S (HESSEL) OF 38 THOUSAND OF OUTRAGED PEOPLE IN PAULISTA AVENUE (SÃO PAULO-BRAZIL) IN THE 125th REPUBLIC PROCLAMATION COMMEMORATING DAY: A PREPARATION FOR REFLECTION ON DEMOCRACY, REPUBLIC AND POPULISM TABLE OF CONTENTS I) INTRODUCTION II) Attempt at a conceptualization of the Indignados movements through Stepanhe Hessel * III) Contextualizing the Occupy Movement in Brazil IV) Legitimizing the manifestations of organized groups entitled Outraged People through Brazilian 1988 Federal Constitution V) Summary, Video Part of Transcript Respective Presentation Video scientist Policy Gloria Alvarez on Populism - Part of Statement of Gloria Alvarez and Video (Subtitled - YouTube) whose LINK: https://youtube/watch? v = 8rLhmRMRNOw, Posted on 11/07/2014) V) Preliminary concepts on Private Property and the Review Report which deals with Private Property End in Venezuela by Veja magazine and Possible Implications for Brazil with the Re-election of President Dilma Rousseff VI) The Lack of Transparency of Brazil-Cuba Agreement Brokered by PAHO made the Medical Class also to participate in a proper Doctors Outraged Movement with a complaint expressed by the Medical Entities VII) Comment on the Manifestation of the President who said Roussef : I do not agree with content of acts by impeachment By Fernando Nakagawa | Estadão Content - 23 hours ago Estadão Content - President Dilma Rousseff VIII) The Importance of Capitalism History Viewpoint IX) Conclusions appendix I) NEWS ABOUT THE PROTESTS OF 15 NOVEMBER 2014. II) The outraged people SUPPORT the REQUEST ELECTIONS AUDIT (PHOTOS IN SÃO PAULO) III) THE OUTRAGED PEOPLE LEAD IN SÃO PAULO ON NOVEMBER 15, 2014 PROTEST THE THEME OF THE LACK OF TRANSPARENCY PAHO-CUBA IN CONNECTION WITH WHOLE PAYMENT OF THE OF SCHOLARSHIPS 1) PHOTOS IN SÃO PAULO, IN SUBWAY STATION SEE, AND METRO. 2) FEDERAL BOARD OF MEDICINE NOTED ON THE LACK OF TRANSPARENCY PAHO-CUPA REGARDING PAYMENT OF THE COMPLETENESS OF SCHOLARSHIPS FOR CUBAN-WAGE 3) IV. COMMENT ON MEDIA OVER A ALLEGED LOBÃO POSITION PUBLISHED BY SAO PAULO SHEET ON 11/16/14 WHICH LINK: (www1.folha.uol.br/poder/2014/11/1548789-diante-de-pedido-de-acao-militar-lobao-abandona-ato-anti-dilma.shtml ) A MEDIA COMMENT ON ALLEGED SINGER LOBÃO POSITION BEFORE MILITARY INTERVENTION REQUEST, THE SINGER LOBÃO ABANDONED ANTI-DILMA ACT HOLD IN A REFLECTION (SOURCES AND ISSUES SEE COMPLETELY DOWN MORE) V) THE PRESIDENT ROUSSEFF EXPRESSION IN THE MEDIA VI) VIDEOS ON REPUBLIC VII) The “Veja” Magzine Report entitled “ The end of private property in Venezuela” VIII) TRIBUTE POS-DEATH - NEWS ON THE DEATH S. HESSEL IX Opinion of the Public Ministry on the issue More Doctors and completeness lack transparency of the Cuban SCHOLARSHIPS FOR CUBAN-WAGE X. A BILL REGARDING TO MORE DOCTORS PROGRAM BLOG END THE END I) INTRODUCTION Two Saturdays ago, Brazil celebrated 125 years of Republican regime. We take this opportunity to reflect on how we perceive certain historical facts, current and their interpretations and the democratic progress in the country, without pretension to exhaust the subject. Regarding the first initial historical moment, Brazil was not discovered neither “finded” by chance as this means not recognize that at that moment, the land brasilis was already inhabited by indigenous peoples and nations who had a tragic relationship with their colonizers (persecuted and driven from their land, if not died of diseases brought by the executioners). They sought cheap labour force to monocultures of cane sugar and coffee. And, only to find, decisively, in the form of labor, slave labor. About that described Castro Alves, in his ship Slave : Dante was Dantean dream... With everything under his yoke, the most dangerous enemies just now came from the outside: the Dutch, the French and the Buccaneers. And it was precisely in the struggle against the Dutch that emerged in Brazil the first glimpses of Brazilian feeling. It is important to highlight , many movements against the Portuguese crown, with or without public participation, prior to the proclamation of the republic: the Minas Conspiracy, the Revolt of the Tailors, the “Sabinada”, the Pernambuco Revolution and the Praieira and the War of Tatters. External events to the Portuguese Crown can be conside-ered as carriers of future events at the time, as the threat of invasion of Portugal by Napoleon and the rise of England as a world power. The first promotes the removal of King John VI to Brazil and brings a major change in the scenario that can be translated by the phrase the metropolis turned colony and the colony turned metropolis. King João VI returned to Portugal, leaving Pedro I as regent. And this due to constant friction with the Crown held the famous Act of 22 September 1822. However it is good to point out that that Act had a high price, paid with a loan to England, our first foreign debt. England in return demanded changes that reverberated in the early days of Brazilian democracy (the Imperial Constitution, even if granted, and other benefits). Brazil is constituted as a single monarchy in Latin America, as all other colonies became republics. It is the reign of King Peter II that the Empire is in crisis. An important aspect that influenced the Proclamation of the Republic was the strengthening of the Brazilian Army as a result of successful campaigns made in the Paraguayan War, when one of his heroes was Deodoro da Fonseca, which some authors consider as First Strike Military History of the Republic (LUSTOSA, 2009). The Proclamation of the Republic was the end of a development process that is triggered for almost three decades. However, as stated Saldanha Marinho: This is not the Republic of my dreams because (...) was the economy that dictated the change, ie the dictatorship of capital without precedence to real democracy as assert Saramago today. Throughout this trend since the proclamation of our republic has gone through many adverse events to its original design. One of the right hand much trouble tortuous trajectory of our republic is the issue of corruption that comes before dawn of discovery combined with other forms of domination. And that today has expanded alarmingly. Plato in the book Republic, he showed how the tyrant gets power through manipulation of the gullible people and as she holds, exile and murder opponents, in order to transform the political power on given by the company in absolute power. During this process of obtaining the absolute political power, Plato shows how the tyrant replaces the quality of people who helped him come to power by corrupt and murderous people. It also creates a personal guard who tortures and kills under him or others in the hierarchy it creates. Finally, Plato shows how the tyrant uses wars to distract peoples attention from their nefarious action in order to continue to exercise political power. At present it appears that the youth movement is re-emerging in several countries, including Brazil. They were important struggles we face as preparatory and anticipatory of large processes in which we are called to act as subjects who are outraged and engage peacefully in this step that opens with the economic crisis, which has barely begun and already taking such youth massively to the streets in several countries like Italy, Germany and Spain and the United States itself, where the fight against education reforms They were important struggles we face as preparatory and anticipatory of large processes in which we are called to act as revolutionary subjects at this stage that opens with the economic crisis, which has barely begun and already taking such youth massively to the streets in several countries such as Italy, Germany and Spain and the United States itself, where the fight against educational reforms. In Brazil, one can see the importance of the youth movement of Brasilia, which for the first time in a directory of the National Union of Students (UNE-Brasília) is elected on non-partisan goals, and this movement here in The Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP) at Avenida Paulista and who also happens on this day, in other capitals. For these young people are tired of note through the media cases and more cases of corruption with participation of parties especially those who are in power with impunity. For better understanding, about the word corruption the first meaning, the word corrupt has a broader meaning than the mere practice of political corruption. In this first sense, the word corrupt means the transformation - harmful to society - the personality of the person raised to a position to exercise power over other citizens (who before this transformation were considered harmful, by written rules and unwritten, the equal ). And, political corruption is the use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private purposes. Government misuse of power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and police violence in general, is not considered political corruption. Neither are illegal acts by persons nor companies not involved directly with the government. An illegal act by a public official is political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties. Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, patronage, nepotism, patronage, corruption and embezzlement. While corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering and trafficking in human beings, it is not restricted to these activities. Thomas Jefferson stated If men are pure, laws are unnecessary if men are corrupt, laws are useless. They want us to cluster servants of anti-national powers, unscrupulous and absolutely no commitment to the well being of poor people. We must break this cycle dominant that only serves other immediate interests, anti-human and anti-Brazil. It may even be that is extrapolating the redundancy of jingoism to Brazil. However, the giant has awakened. And it is this aspect of corruption, which I believe is one of the most difficult, because if corruption exists, there is also receptacle for it. The allow it to exist and permeate everything in a continuous vicious cycle is the great challenge. This challenge is not to end the corrupt, but break the links in the chain of this vicious cycle. The issue of impunity also appears to be part of this vicious circle, there is, it seems, the ground so that it perpetuates. And, when it mentions that the mischief will not go unpunished last forever we are referring to the part of the dormant slaves of corruption, in short US. This release necessarily goes through a Citizenship Education. Because the root of the problem is that the candidates in Brazil to elect need to buy votes. However, it must seek new strategies with a view to a Peaceful Insurrection (S. Hessel) instant within capitalism itself, as this that occurred recently in the Middle East, through a pedagogy with available modern features that can improve the awareness our voters, especially the young who will be voting for the first time. II) Attempt at a conceptualization of the Indignados movements through Stepanhe Hessel * * Stéphane Hessel, according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Stéphane Hessel Stéphane Hessel at a public meeting for ecological Europe, March 10, 2010 Stéphane Frédéric Hessel full name Born October 20, 1917 Berlin Death February 27, 2013 (95 years) 1 residence Paris French nationality (naturalized) Occupation Diplomat, Ambassador Top Indignez-vous work! Awards Legion of Honor, Order of Merit, North-South Prize, PrémioUNESCO / Bilbao Stéphane Frédéric Hessel (Berlin, October 20, 1917 - Paris, February 27, 20131) was a diplomat, ambassador, French resistance fighter and agent of the Central Bureau of Renseignements et dAction (the intelligence service of France). Born as German, Stéphane obtained French nationality in 1937. References 1. ↑ Jump to: ab The News (27 February 2013). Best-selling French author Stephane Hessel dies at 95: wife (in English). Played on February 27, 2013. This article about a person is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Categories: • Born in 1917 • Dead in 2013 Stéphane Frédéric Hessel (Berlin, October 20, 1917 - Paris, February 27, 20131) was a diplomat, ambassador, French resistance fighter and agent of the Central Bureau of Renseignements et dAction (the intelligence service of France). Born as German, Stéphane obtained French nationality in 1937. References 1. ↑ Jump to: ab The News (27 February 2013). Best-selling French author Stephane Hessel dies at 95: wife (in English). Played on February 27, 2013. This article about a person is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Categories: • Born in 1917 • Dead in 2013
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:58:12 +0000

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