HEY, ALL THOSE ILLEGAL GUATEMALANS COMING INTO AMERICA, HERES SOME STATISTICS TO THINK ABOUT... Rates of crime in Guatemala are very high. Guatemala has one of the highest violent crime rates in Latin America. In 2009, approximately 25 murders a week were reported in Guatemala City alone According to New Yorker magazine, in 2009, fewer civilians were reported killed in the war zone of Iraq than were shot, stabbed, or beaten to death in Guatemala, and 97% of homicides remain unsolved The Guatemalan security apparatus — death squads, intelligence units, police officers, military counter-insurgency forces — did not disappear but, rather, mutated into criminal organizations, and now are engaged in arms trafficking, money laundering, extortion, human smuggling, black-market adoptions, and kidnapping for ransom, and drug trade. The high rate of murder has been blamed on a highly powerful criminal cartel, made up of politically connected retired military officers and linking with drug traffickers and other criminals. Following the end of Guatemalan Civil War in 1996, a general amnesty was granted for even the worst crimes, leaving no one accountable. Rush Limbaugh and the EIB Network illegal drug trade in Guatemala includes trans-shipment of cocaine to the United States. According to some reports, Mexican drug cartels such as Sinaloa have also established poppy growing operations there. There is a reported relationship between the Mexican Los Zetas cartel and the Guatemalan Kaibiles military force. Beyond the apparently more-established Zeta smuggling operations there, several recent drug seizures — including an enormous 1,800-acre poppy plantation attributed to the Sinaloa cartel — make it clear that other Mexican drug-trafficking organizations are currently active inside Guatemala//...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:37:17 +0000

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