HEY, Jesus! Wake UP! He who keeps you will not slumber . . . - TopicsExpress


HEY, Jesus! Wake UP! He who keeps you will not slumber . . . (Psalm 121:3) The things that matter most to you also matter to Jesus. Think about this at this day winds to a close. What you care about, Jesus cares about. Every worry and care is noted, every restless thought is on His mind. And yet, while Jesus stands with us in our storms, he doesn’t share our fear. Whatever it is that keeps us up at night doesn’t have God pacing the heavens, wringing hands that formed the earth and sky and sea. Psalm 121 tells us that “the God who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps” (Psalm 121:4). God watches over your life. God may never slumber or sleep, but sometimes we wonder. There is a story in Mark 4 where Jesus took a nap. He dozed off in the bottom of the boat just as the threat of a storm was approaching. The disciples couldn’t understand this. How can he be sleeping? Doesn’t he care? I say, dont worry about it.Jesus may be present, but that doesn’t mean much if he isn’t paying attention to what’s happening, Thing is, he does know and he cares! If every good story has some element of tension, this does by highlighting the contrast between the fearful disciples and the sleeping Jesus. Waves are slapping the boat, pounding with a spray that stings; curling up high and spilling into the craft. The noise is no doubt deafening and the disciples are screaming at each other! What are we going to do? How can Jesus sleep through this? What did they do to help themselves? No doubt, they did what they could to manage the situation. Maybe they bailed water or pulled at the riggings. We do this kind of thing in our storms. We are afraid! We reach a point of exasperation where we cry out, “do you not care that we are perishing?” Ever prayed a prayer like that? But here’s the good news! Jesus does now what he did then. Just as he spoke peace to the elements of nature, he can speak peace today to broken hearts and fractured homes and war-torn nations. We are sometimes tempted to despair because it seems that Jesus is sleeping, out of touch. He isn’t. We see and feel a threat. Jesus does not. We see catastrophe. Jesus speaks command. We’re eaten up with anxieties. Jesus exudes peace. And he brings that peace to bear on the storm itself. Our God is ever vigilant. He will not let your foot slip. So what is it that robs you of peace today? Whatever it is, Jesus has it firmly in hand. Despite all evidence to the contrary, he who watches over you “neither slumbers nor sleeps.”.....
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:42:00 +0000

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