HEY THERE LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD! PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE OUR PAGE! WE ARE STILL DOING THE SCUT WORK GETTING ANGRY MAN AND THE WEAVER: RE-IMAGINING THE ODYSSEY. We just had to update all the quotes at the beginning of chapters that set the tone. Soon well get the galley proofs and review the for errors . Then ...TA DA!!!!! Our novel will be on Amazon. This half of is Chapter 2 of The Lunar Wolf Chronicles: A Kings Revenge. Romulus faces the consequences of his first night as a werewolf. His mind cannot accept it and he becomes psychotic. The description of his schizophrenic episode are based of what Alexander has seen in over 40 years of mental health practice. Please leave your comments. Do you think that this half finished novel is worth completing? Chapter 2 Madness I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us. Kahlil Gibran “Mad Hatter: “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?” “Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again. “No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?” “I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland I awoke with the morning light to the melody of the birds and the chattering of squirrels; the soft sway of the reeds, I was safely ensconced in my circle. There was a strong musky smell in my little enclave; it smelled a little like the inside of hibernating bears’ caves. I stretched and yawned. My mind drifted to my first night as the beast. I chuckled as I thought of the looks on the faces of the slaughtered night guard’s men. I reveled in the strength I had had. How the blows from spears and swords felt no worse than those I had gotten while I was wearing full armor. Even the gore and carnage was very satisfying. It had been a good night. I remembered it all. How, with one sweep of my arms I had knocked the heads off grown men. I grasped my fingers through iron plate! My simply running into people had crushed them! How I had bit the arm off my first opponent without intending or trying. How rapidly I had moved; no one could touch me! Groups of ten and more fully armored men were child’s play. I am invincible! I stood up and found the tunic that the wolf had taken when. It was a coarse garment of a plebian. It was sized for a fat man, but it would be tight in the shoulders. I picked it up and threw it over my shoulder. I was still very full from what the wolf had eaten. I needed a drink of water and intended to make my way to the stream fed pond in which I bathed the night before. A bitter rising made its way up almost into my mouth. I bent over in pain, my stomach cramping and roaring louder than it had ever done before. I rushed to where the stream left the little pool and tore off some large leaves. I squatted, powerfully urinated and suffered a cramping, tearing pain in my rectum. I groaned and had to bear down hard; and then the relief of a rushing out of my bowels. And, I had a second evacuation. I knew immediate relief. I cleaned myself and happened to catch a glimpse of the stools I passed. I was shocked to see that the coiled waste was as thick and as long as my arms. It was so heavy that it sunk to the bottom of the stream and was not washed away. The smell was horrendous and I recoiled from it. But then some shiny items in the mess caught my eye. Within the excrement, I glimpsed a woman’s hand wearing a gold ring. I could also discern an ear with a cuff, swatches of hair and scalp, bracelets, chunks of cloth and bone. I distinctly heard my adoptive mother say, “Now, Romulus, you must chew your food better. You take down big gulps like a dog. Did you make a big mess? Let me check your bottom.” But she was gone for twenty five long years! And I suddenly knew that, because I am dead, I can hear the voices of those deceased and they can hear me! My mind rebelled and I felt like I was floating above the scene. It felt like someone behind me screaming, “No…No...No…No…No…” I running before I knew what I was doing. I experienced vivid images of the people my wolf had devoured. I saw myself gulping down a guard’s arm like a noodle. I had simply slurped it up into my mouth! Images of people’s various body parts seemed to grow bigger in my vision; then, a blurring. I could feel myself pulling my head back, and after explosions of blood, those entire parts were gone. I could feel myself chewing and had and the taste of the most superb pork ever. I was a hardened veteran of battle. But none of that carnage had prepared me for the horror I had wrought last night. Not the bloody damage but the method by which it was done. How could a civilized man, a refined and educated king, eat human flesh? They were all plebeians, but the gods reserved the worst punishments for cannibals. I would not, could not, have done these things! And then the craving hit me. I was again hungry. Did I crave pork? Was it cow or lamb? And I realized I craved what I had eaten last night! My mouth salivated at the thought; and from all around, as if the earth herself screamed, “Noooooo!” A pain erupted from deep inside my soul, the very fabric of myself torn in two. Next there were voices that I didn’t recognize. They made a continuous commentary about what I was doing. “He is running”; “He is scared”; “He is a dead man, but he does not lie down”; “Tonight he will become a wolf again”; “He is a cannibal, he is doomed forever!” ; The gods will curse him”; The Dirae will come for him!. I again shrieked, “No…No…No…No” and it seemed like it was coming from outside of me! Suddenly laughs were issuing from my mouth, as tears streamed across my cheeks. My thoughts rushed faster than I could keep track of them. “Everyone can hear my thoughts” seemed to be shouted from above as it came into my head! “They will all know. I can’t let on that I am the wolf!” seemed broadcast to the whole world. And then “Both the living and the dead will hunt you down” seemed to be announced. The skies themselves accused me! “Cannibal”! ; and Alecto, Tisiphone and Megaera are coming for you. I heard a loud flapping of wings from all sides! I dived into a thicket of bushes only to hear, “He is in this clump of bushes” shouted. I ran and found a group of rocks only to hear, “He is going to hide among the boulders!” I ran aimlessly. I came upon a group of men with an empty open wagon walking up a dirt road. One of them raised his hand in greeting and smiled. “He is a naked barbarian!” I heard from above. “He is the one, he is the cannibal; the man-wolf!” was shouted from all around me. “Kill him!” Afterwards I heard, “They know, everyone knows what I am!”; “I am living, but I am dead!” I heard a vicious laugh and “There is no escape for you, wolf! You are dead and need to be with the dead!” I was in terror; my only thought was “escape” which sounded from above! I ran until, a nearby cliff appeared and I laughing threw myself off it! There was a brief sensation like flying and a sense of freedom. I thought I would soar away like some great bird. Away from all the evil I had done! Away from what I had become! From all around me “You can’t fly, fool!” was announced. I plummeted down about fifty feet. I felt the air gushing up against my body and the rocky ground rushed up to greet me. I heard a screaming! “He is going to die”, was broadcast. I felt a jarring and experienced an explosion of light; a thumping splat issued from all around There was excruciating pain all over and then there was only blackness. horror #horrorbook #Wolfchronicles #lunarChronicles #werewolf #wolfman #horrorpunk #supernatural #paranormal #HistoricalFiction #curses #demons #possession #vikings #norsemen #newbooks #JimButcher #StevenKing #annrice #horror #horrorbook #Wolfchronicles #lunarChronicles #werewolf #wolfman #horrorpunk #supernatural #paranormal #HistoricalFiction #curses #demons #possession #vikings #norsemen #newbooks #JimButcher #StevenKing #Odyssey #Illiad #Homer #AncientGreece #Hercules #Sparta #Rome #OympianGods #Magic #Spartacus #Gladiator #Achilles #Sparta https://youtube/watch?v=J8_DuUOn_HU
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 22:59:08 +0000

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