HEY, THIS ISNT RECOMENDED TO BE RED, THIS IS THE TRUE ME: If u dont wanna no dont read this oks? Not my problem , evryone has a voice, hear it is! I needed a change. So I changed my room, needed a life so I got a part time job, changed my friends, changed my financial point of view and now Im still not happy! Im not sure y? Ive got everything I wanted , good life, friends, all the animals I can handle and more, a roof over my head food on the table! Im being incredibly selfish but I cant think of what I want or need? I just want a friend that can stay with me always or atleast a friend that gets my for who I am! A lot of people see my and thin well, shes spoilt, I am! Shes nice enough to talk to, and listens well and talks ur ear off, love horses, and is generally happy! Well Im extremely Lonley, crap tears I just want someone to talk to, a complete stranger, where I can lay myself out and let them see the real me, the one who gets board, 12 horses, hundred books n DVDs TV, lives on a working farm and has other animals too, she has funny family good friends and a healthy lifestyle, so y is she so lonley and board, its odd I still pine for things that will never happen, people whom r gone, and things I shoulda done but didnt, I just have a hole In my soul that cant be filled! But y do I feel the need to hide this behind a smile? Its not like I care what people think, Ive been hurt so bad Im apathenic in that scence so no one can ever hurt me again, honestly, I doubt there is one person who knows my darkest secrets, infact IDE be worried if they did, I feel the need to be around poeple but when I am all I try to do I act the way they expect me to, happy and excited to see em, sometimes I am, but others their more of a bother or an anoyance, I want them to leave my alone but then I get more loamy, its hard to bare sometimes, hence the reason I walk a lot, to fell better but I doesnt work , I get home and then what? Grr shut up mon!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:58:00 +0000

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