HEY VEGANS, REMEMBER MICRONUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES: “SILENT MALNUTRITION” The role of micronutrient nutrition on the health and function of human beings is now well documented. Widespread multiple micronutrient deficiencies are due to a number of factors. When diet quantity or energy is deficient, so are multiple micronutrients deficient. When the diet is monotonous, lacks diversity and is largely cereal, legume or tuber-based, the inherent micronutrient content may be low. Even if the micronutrients are present in substantial quantities, as in some CEREALS OR LEGUMES, their bioavailability may be very curtailed due to the HIGH FIBER AND PHYTATE content of traditional staples, which form insoluble complexes. Poverty, lack of availability, accessibility and affordability of animal foods, lack of knowledge about the IMPORTANCE OF ANIMAL FOODS for the health and growth of young children, and cultural beliefs and practices, limit the inclusion of micronutrient-rich and energy dense meat in the diet.18 In affluent countries, strict vegetarian diets and fear of “red meat” consumption dictated by philosophical, spiritual, and health beliefs, contribute to micronutrient deficiencies, which adversely affect a considerable number of children and women with devastating and adverse societal and individual impacts. The main micronutrient deficiencies of major concern, particularly in children, are iron, iodine, zinc, and vitamins A and B12, which are summarized in Table 2. Individual micronutrient deficiencies will be described briefly.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:54:00 +0000

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