HEY YALL...maybe youve noticed Ive been out of the loop for - TopicsExpress


HEY YALL...maybe youve noticed Ive been out of the loop for awhile...maybe not. But Ive had a few things on my plate that had to be dealt with; things that had been put off for awhile and I guess it was just that time. And, Lord, what a mess....what with the shovel and pick, the gravel and red clay dirt!! Digging holes is serious work, Folks!!! No, no, no...I didnt kill anyone. I promise...lol. I just had to put a few things to rest. It was a tough job but one of those things that simply had to be done...and I was the only one that could. So, I did the dirty deed and after it was over, Im proud to say...I got up, shook the grass off my jeans, stomped the mud from my boots and have, literally and figuratively, washed my hands of it. Now, anyone and everyone who knows me personally can tell you I had to learn to make lemonade at a very tender age. Ive become quite proficient at it.... and Ill be perfectly honest with you; my lemonade is to die for!! Like I said, practice makes perfect...so its not a biggie, although it does get old after awhile. Anyway, Im better and that matters. As a matter of fact... Im feeling so optimistic...I would not be one bit surprised to see my Guardian Angel reappear, wanting her old job back. Times are tough, you know? The moral of the story is this; When life throws lemons your way...make lemonade. When storm clouds roll...look for a rainbow. And when you need to put out the trash...to clear your mind...try digging a deep hole and burying that shit. Its extremely therapeutic. Ive heard life is a highway but Im thinking maybe its an old dirt road; full of potholes, dips and washboard ruts, wrong turns, forks in the road and lots and lots of dust. For sure, it can be a bumpy ride. There will be times when youre cruising along thinking, Hey, I got this. The sun is shining, theres not a cloud in the sky and youre not even thinking lemonade. Youre on top of the world; coasting. Just dont let your guard down...cause itll throw you a curve every time. Itll send you into a tailspin and before you know it...youre in a ditch, wondering what the hell just happened!! You just never know how things are going to work out. The trick is to be able to adapt...to keep an open mind and to roll with it. You have to be mentally and emotionally prepared for whatever comes your way. And yes, sometimes it can be extremely difficult to keep it between the ditches; to keep it all in perspective. When this happens, I recommend taking a road trip and, by the way, its ok to look in the rearview....sometimes you need to take another long, hard look in that freakin mirror...just dont forget the shovel. Who knows... by the time you reach your destination, you might look at your reflection, give it a solid nod and wink back. Maybe a long, slow smile will spread across your face. Dont think it cant happen. Im living proof that anyone can learn the fine art of making lemonade.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:04:30 +0000

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