HEY, YOU! QUIT YOUR SCROLLING AND READ THIS! The band DETHONATOR needs its followers NOW. If you are reading this, then that means YOU! Now is the time to back up that facebook like and represent for us... We are involved in a competition to play the London Underworld, which is a legendary venue. YOU can help us EASILY and QUICKLY to get there. All you need to do is follow these steps: 1) Go onto https://facebook/Cypher16. 2) Open the comments on the post that reads - LONDON - we will be announcing a band (or two) that we have picked for the big show at The Underworld in September very shortly. HOWEVER, we have had a large amount of interest from other great up-and-coming bands around the country so wed like to make this something that you guys, the bands, and their fans can get involved with. We have listed 20 bands below in the comments section and from here on out were opening it up to you all. Just like whichever one you want to see at the show on September 19th! This will run until we leave for Europe at the end of April to give you a bit of time to check them all out! 3) Click Like on the comment by Cypher16 that says DETHONATOR. That is it. Its a simple likes race and currently we are in third with just over 100 likes. Great going. Yet, that is less than 10% of you guys. Theres 2617 of you, all following this site, all able to read this post. If you all follow the above three easy, quick steps, we will CRUSH this competition. Lets make the facebook like mean something! We are calling our banners, now is the time! In the words of Saxon - lets stand up and be counted! To The Underworld...and beyond! Adz Dethonator
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:07:31 +0000

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