HH ANNOUNCES CONSTITUTION ROADMAP TO THE NATION.NOW THAT UPND HAS FOUND A ROAD MAP PF PARTY WANTS TO CRY FOUL.THEY SAID 90 DAYS BUT FAILED TO EVEN GIVE US A NEW CONSTITUTION. We have proudly stated our commitment to deliver a new constitution before the 2016 presidential and general elections on several occasions. In support of this commitment and in preparation for quick and efficient delivery, the UPND legal team has been working on a roadmap for the proposed constitution even as we are campaigning across the country. We are taking our promise to the Zambian people to deliver a new constitution very seriously. In November I personally signed a Social Contract with the Grand Coalition putting our commitment in writing, with civil society as our witness. We have not stopped there. We know there is work to do to make the new constitution a reality, and we are ready to take this on. By sharing a roadmap with the public and civil society even ahead of the election we demonstrate our seriousness in this matter. PROPOSED ROADMAP Within 7 days of taking office the President shall immediately appoint a Constitutional Delivery Team to oversee the validation of the proposed constitution. The Constitutional Delivery Team will work with the Referendum Commission (which will be the Electoral Commission). This Commission shall be appointed immediately after taking office. The Referendum Commission shall work closely with the Central Statistical Office and the National Registration Office to compile a national sample of all eligible voters for inclusion on the voters register. The President will introduce for enactment by Parliament, a bill to protect the constitution making process. This shall be done during the Legislative Session of Parliament commencing early 2015. The process will culminate in the holding of a referendum sometime in 2016 before the General Elections. To be preceded by extensive sensitisation programs led by civil society both for the referendum and the new constitutional process. Government will continue to work closely with civil society in all aspects of operationalizing the adopted constitution after Parliament pronounces its commencement date. Hakainde Hichilema UPND President
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:00:18 +0000

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