HH knows he has no chance in hell to win an election, says - TopicsExpress


HH knows he has no chance in hell to win an election, says GBM With nowhere else to go, Kasama Parliamentarian has swallow his own words to join hands with a man he heartily condemned as a tribalist, greedy, capitalistic and selfish with no chance in hell to win an election. Kasama Member of Parliament, Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, who on 27 August 2012 said HH is greedy, capitalistic, rides on a tribal political horse after ripping off the country, condemning Zambians families into destitution, has now turned around to join the same man he heavily condemned on 27 August 2012 , stating that he now believes HH can take the country to greater heights. “Zambians know who Mr. Hichilema is, what he stands for and which interests he represents. His capitalistic greed and how he ripped off the country during the privatisation exercise and amassed enormous personal wealth and condemned millions of families into destitution especially on the Copperbelt is a well-known sad story on every Zambian’s lips. Even his subsequent rise to the UPND leadership riding on an evil tribal horse is a very well documented and understood phase of this man’s political life. In fact, some of the victims of his untreatable tribalism and hatred are prominent people like Mr. Sakwiba Sikota and many others,” GBM said. Today, GBM now stands in political destitution, has not been allowed to finance the political campaigns of the ruling PF as Edgar Lungu says the PF is not for sale. The Kasama Parliamentarian is very clear on who HH is, “Clearly, this is a man who only identifies himself with causes that have direct benefits to himself and his family. Honestly, it is very difficult to reconcile Mr. Hichilema’s capitalistic gluttony with his claim of service to the Zambian people. Haven’t you wondered why he has never spoken about pro poor policies like the minimum wage and many others? The man is selfish and always aims at benefiting at the expense of the ordinary Zambians,” Mwamba said. Whilst in opposition in 2010, Sata said that leaders should be exemplary in their conduct, which position excited Senior chief Mwamba of the Bemba speaking people of Kasama who believed that as PF leader had shown that he was able to discipline members of his party. Lungu has learnt a lesson from the past and has avoided placing GBM at the financial centre of the PF campaign, sidelining him as his conduct was suspect after the reconciliation. GBM boasted that he funded and financed the PF and Michael Chilufya Sata’s campaign to which Sata rebutted, “It doesn’t matter how much money you have. It doesn’t matter how nourished you are. We go to every election to go and plead to the poor people to vote for us. We must respect them. We don’t have any monopoly of inflicting pain on others,” Sata said. Following the Edgar Lungu led PF’s desire to only deal with genuine party officials with the interest of the party at heart, GBM has not been given the attention he desperately desires. Lungu is aware that GBM is a double-dealer and his actions can never be trusted or relied upon. Lungu, who replaced GBM as Defence Minister, has noted that GBM is after pushing a personal agenda to fame and prominence on the political scene. GBM, who condemned HH as a selfish greedy capitalistic tribalist, today says HH would do the correct things for the nation as he is a pragmatic, focused and determined leader who can take this country to greater heights and in line with the aspirations of the Zambian people. With pure contrast of opinion on HH, it is fool hardy to know whether GBM really has any stance, belief or position on politics or anything. The Zambian Leader now brings you the two Press Statements that shows how inconsistent, and unreliable GBM is as regards his views on politics and situations: August 27, 2012 GBM’s Press Statement on HH Now that Mr. Hakainde Hichilema- the chief Apostle of bitterness and tribalism - fully knows that he holds no chance in hell to win an election in Zambia, he has declared a fight against a duly elected Government and President Michael Chilufya Sata in particular. We only hope that the UPND leader has calculated his political game quite well because this is a classical case of underestimating a fiery blaze. Mr. Hichilema of all people must know that he is dealing with a party and Government who passed through the mill over a ten year long period. We are not a fluke Government; we know why we are here and fully know how we got to be where we are today. We mobilised the entire country for 10 years under very difficult conditions that’s why facing the UPND politically will be as smooth as a walk in the park. They are no match to our political expertise and judgment. Zambians know who Mr. Hichilema is, what he stands for and which interests he represents. His capitalistic greed and how he ripped off the country during the privatisation exercise and amassed enormous personal wealth and condemned millions of families into destitution especially on the Copperbelt is a well-known sad story on every Zambian’s lips. Even his subsequent rise to the UPND leadership riding on an evil tribal horse is a very well documented and understood phase of this man’s political life. In fact, some of the victims of his untreatable tribalism and hatred are prominent people like Mr. Sakwiba Sikota and many others. Clearly, this is a man who only identifies himself with causes that have direct benefits to himself and his family. Honestly, it is very difficult to reconcile Mr. Hichilema’s capitalistic gluttony with his claim of service to the Zambian people. Haven’t you wondered why he has never spoken about pro poor policies like the minimum wage and many others? The man is selfish and always aims at benefiting at the expense of the ordinary Zambians. Our advice to him is let him mobilize but he should not dare attempt to mobilize people at the expense of national security and sovereignty because laws of the land have prescribed a befitting punishment for such heinous acts. For ten (10) years President Sata mobilized people in a peaceful and non-violent manner and we expect Mr. Hichilema to do the same although his motivation is different – he is motivated by bitterness and tribalism. The PF Government is not intolerant to divergent views. We remain open to criticism and any other constructive engagements. What we shall not allow is for this country’s peace to be tampered with through schemes perpetuated by an opposition leader who only polled slightly over 18 per cent of the total votes at the last elections. We shall not permit a man who has maintained his usual distant third position at all successive elections to prey on our people’s minds. Come 2016, PF shall win and after winning, we shall do more work on our developmental agenda, to ensure a better life for all Zambians. Press statement by Hon. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba MP Minister of Defence Source: Zambian Leader
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 16:21:19 +0000

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