HHH: See Micheal Cole, The question you asked its confusing - TopicsExpress


HHH: See Micheal Cole, The question you asked its confusing itself. Do you want me answer you as the C.O.O or do want to answer you as an competitor at Wrestlemania? People seem to be confused at what theyre asking for around here. Daniel Bryan was very clear about what he was asking for. All of you WWE Universe people was very clear about what you were asking for. And all of you got exactly what all of you were asking for. Let me ask you a question, Cole, have ever been put in a position where you have no choice but to submit somebody elses will? Shackled so to speak to where you just had to do what you somebody else wanted? You were defenseless, helpless. Its a horrible feeling, isnt it? No, Im not referring to handcuffing anybody. Im referring to Daniel Bryan walking to this ring with all of you WWE Universe people, inviting all of you out here a few weeks ago in an attempt to hijack my show. Im talking about the occupy RAW movement. Im talking about this little Yes movement. Daniel Bryan came out here. All of you WWE Universe people stood here in the ring. Daniel Bryan put all of you WWE Universe people in harms way in an attempt to take over in a coup and get what all of you wanted. And let me ask you this, Cole where was your mock hora to all of that? Huh? Oh, that was OK? You just chalked that up to a memorable RAW moment but yet what I did was heinous and despicable. See, theres that confusion again. C.O.O. or competitor? Daniel Bryan both for the game. Daniel Bryan stood here. How many times did I tell Daniel Bryan that I didnt want to fight him? How many times did I say that I was not going to step into the ring with him. But He forced this issue. All of you WWE Universe people forced the issue. All of WWE Universe people forced my hand and made me become an competitor. And then all of you got exactly what youve asked for. And Daniel Bryan got exactly what he deserved. And now all of you WWE Universe people going to cry about it, right? What happened to this world Cole? What happened to this world since I stopped competing full-time in this ring? I used to stand in this ring and I used to do despicable, horrible things to people. And I looked into all of you WWE Universe peoples eyes and I would look out and I would that same lust for success that I had. I would see that same burning desire that I had. All of you WWE Universe people would fight. All of you people would fight the system. All of you people were strong. But do all of you WWE Universe people want to know what I see when I look out there at all of you. I see apathy. I see soft. I see pathetic. I see an bunch of little people with no power, no desire. When all of you WWE Universe people dont get what you want, youve cry about it. I know, why you dont you guys, send me an tweet and express your displeasure? How about that, Huh? Yeah. Yeah, thats it. Well, you know what Cole Im sick of it. Im sick to death of the whole thing. The world has changed and I cant take it anymore. you know what, maybe its on me to change the future. Maybe its on me to decide where this whole thing goes. Maybe its on me that I start the reality era. Maybe as of right now, this moment, this is the beginning of the reality era. And you know what that means, Cole? It means the reality is this at Wrestlemania I end Daniel Bryans little suppose run at the top. At Wrestlemania the reality is, I end this pathetic Yes movement! At Wrestlemania when Im done with that, Im going to step into an Triple threat match. And no living off their past glories is going to stop me and no one living off of their untapped potential is going to stop me, because Micheal, the reality of it is I have the power to make it happen and all of you WWE Universe people know its true. The reality era means that the reality is I am going to walk out of Wrestlemania as The WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:20:16 +0000

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