HIDE AND SEEK! Jeremiah 29:13...... And you will seek Me and - TopicsExpress


HIDE AND SEEK! Jeremiah 29:13...... And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Did you ever play hide and seek when you were a kid? At NIGHT? Then this verse from Jeremiah is for you in my devotional reading tonight. Searching for the Lord in the daylight was easy, given the earnest game we played. The squeals of delight from the children when they located each other were instantly in my mind as I read and remembered the feeling that no wanted wanted to find ME! But when darkness came, it wasnt so exciting. See,kids didn’t feel it was some kind of chore to come looking for me – it was just that their eyes werent accustomed to the dark and the way was uncertain. They were excited because they knew what they sought. It was a pleasure, and a privilege to look everywhere (I hope!). To leave no cranny concealed. No nook undiscovered. Eagerly they searched with all their hearts. Gleeful, when theyd find me. Continually wanting to play and seek again. How do I equate that delight in my search for the Lord? He says when I seek Him with all my heart, I will find Him. With so many other concerns clouding my heart, how can I keep it focused on God? I want to have a childlike wonder at the closeness of Jesus. That He would come be with me. Near. Personal. Real. It is so easy to lose sight of Him when my attention is taken by life. I bounce from one thing to another, like a flashlight beam in the dark. Today, I feel God wanted to remind me to be intentional in my search for Him. Focused. Not allowing the darkness of this world to overwhelm His light and calling in my life. I know the Lord is not hiding from me. He wants to be found. I only need to seek. And so, I shall.............
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 03:03:14 +0000

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