HIGH-FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP: Bad to the Last Drop | Report from Dr. - TopicsExpress


HIGH-FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP: Bad to the Last Drop | Report from Dr. Mercola We have all heard the lies from the Corn Refiners Association, about how High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) used in moderation is not a problem as a part of your diet. Really? Armed with over 30-year experience in healthcare, Dr. Mercolas ultimate motive is to tell you the facts about high-fructose corn syrup - Here are some of the real-life dangers of HFCS: • Diabetes - HFCS worsens diabetes, which is mainly rooted in insulin problems. • Metabolic syndrome - say no to HFCS-containing soft drinks and other foods that may cause this condition. • Damage to your immune system - asthma, food allergies, multiple sclerosis and other immune system problems are triggered by use of HFCS! • A load of dangerous mercury poisons - mercury is found in samples of commercial HFCS. Shocking how many life-threatening conditions mercury poisoning entails! Read More and get his free report >> mercola/Downloads/bonus/danger-of-corn-syrup/report.aspx
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:38:38 +0000

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