HIGHLIGHTS: THE WORD OF GOD IS THE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE: *The word is given to you so that you could, in turn, spread it to others. The word should be preached to the people of the world, so that they too might REPENT AND HAVE SALVATION. You cannot preach the word except you listen to it and practise same. The word of God is the only effective means which can change man on this plane of manifest, and in the future. * EVEN TODAY IN YOUR MIDST, YOU HAVE SEEN THE FATHER PREACHING AND EXHAUSTIVELY PRACTICING HIS TEACHINGS. YOU ARE TOOLS UNTO GOD. HE DID NOT CREATE US TO COME AND TOY AROUND THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH AIMLESSLY. YOU ARE NOT EXPECTED TO BLASPHEME AND MURMUR AGAINST GOD. *YOU SHOULD NOT TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT. THIS WILL RESULT IN CONFUSION AND CHAOS. *NOTE THAT YOU WILL GIVE ACCOUNT OF YOUR WORK HERE ON EARTH. WHEN THE TIME COMES, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE DONE? THE WORD OF GOD IS THE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE YOUR PRIMARY ASSIGNMENT IS TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL * If you do not hear, practise and preach the word of God, where then lies your hope for salvation? *AND OUR PRIMARY ASSIGNMENT IN THIS KINGDOM IS TO PREACH THE WORD OF GOD, BECAUSE MANS SALVATION IS CONTINGENT ON THE WORD OF GOD. * As many as have received the Holy Spirit, they are the instrument and laborers in the vineyard of God. Your work is to hear the word of God, preach and practise same. FIRST LESSON: JOHN 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, my meat is to do to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. THE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE: SECOND LESSON: LUKE 4:18 The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. The above texts constitute the message for us and what is expected of us all. It is surprising to note that many of the people who claim to be serving God cannot even go out to spread the gospel of salvation to the world. How do you serve God, if you do not preach His gospel to all nations? It is inevitable that we should preach the gospel to the world. And our primary assignment in this kingdom is to preach the word of God, because mans salvation is contingent on the word of God. This accounts for the response of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the tempter that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out from God. There is much blessing in preaching the word of God. There is void in someone who cannot preach and practice the word of God. All good things are at your disposal when you preach and practice the word of God. Of what use are you if you do not preach and practice the word of God? The food of the people of the world are fufu, pounded yam, rice, beans, plantain etc, but the food of the children of God, whom we are, is to hear the word of God, practise same and preach it to the world. READ JOHN 4:31-34. Joh 4:31 In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat. Joh 4:32 But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. Joh 4:33 Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? Joh 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. SPREAD THE GOSPEL: You are all living witnesses to the fact that the field is over-ripe, but there you are in your house, relaxing. You neither practise nor preach the word of God, yet you allege that you are worshipping God. How do you worship Him? You have been enjoined to put in your best in the service of God and, know that you will be rewarded based on your effort. If you do not hear, practise and preach the word of God, where then lies your hope for salvation? AS MANY AS HAVE RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY ARE THE INSTRUMENT AND LABORERS IN THE VINEYARD OF GOD. Your work is to hear the word of God, preach and practise same. If you do not have the Holy Spirit, you are not of God and as such you are dead. And those who receive the Holy Spirit are expected to go out and evangelize the world. It is one thing to hear the word of God and another to preach what you have heard; yet a third and very important thing is to practise what you preach. You should know that Our Lord Jesus Christ did not only preach the word of God, He practiced it to the letter. EVEN TODAY IN YOUR MIDST, YOU HAVE SEEN THE FATHER PREACHING AND EXHAUSTIVELY PRACTICING HIS TEACHINGS. YOU ARE TOOLS UNTO GOD. HE DID NOT CREATE US TO COME AND TOY AROUND THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH AIMLESSLY. YOU ARE NOT EXPECTED TO BLASPHEME AND MURMUR AGAINST GOD. YOU SHOULD NOT TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT. THIS WILL RESULT IN CONFUSION AND CHAOS. NOTE THAT YOU WILL GIVE ACCOUNT OF YOUR WORK HERE ON EARTH. WHEN THE TIME COMES, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE DONE? Our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished much before He said to the Father: I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do and now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. (John 17:4-5). Our brother Paul was also confident in himself and was sure to receive the crown of glory, having accomplished much in spreading the gospel of Christ to many countries. Peter also accomplished much. Suppose you are given an orange, which you have not yet sucked, how would you tell people about the taste of the orange? It is only when you taste the orange you will be able to tell others about the taste of it. WE GLORY IN NOTHING BUT IN HEARING, PRACTICING AND PREACHING THE WORD OF GOD. HERE LIES, OUR JOY, PEACE, POWER GROWTH, WEALTH, LIFE, HEALTH AND INDEED SALVATION. Who are those to receive good things from God and who are those who will go empty handed? The children of God will inevitably receive the gift of God. The people of the world suffer because they despise the word of God but desire and seek for the material things of this world. Money, cars, houses, husband, children and food are earthly things. The gift of God is embedded in the word of God. THE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE The word is given to you so that you could, in turn, spread it to others. The word should be preached to the people of the world, so that they too might repent and have salvation. You cannot preach the word except you listen to it and practise same. The word of God is the only effective means which can change man on this plane of manifest, and in the future. A man may plan to kill his fellow man with a very sharp machete. And that may be the time one goes to preach the word of God to him and in the end, he changes his mind and desists from the planned murder. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM : UNIVERSAL EVANGELISM ……………………………………………………………………………………. MEDIA OUTREACH: THE WORD OF GOD IS THE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOW ON EARTH: * THESE GOSPELS ARE THE ONLY WAY THROUGH WHICH THE WORLD WOULD BE UNITED IN LOVE. THESE ARE THE ONLY TEACHINGS THAT WILL DOMINATE THE ENTIRE WORLD. * OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WAS THE FIRST PERSON WHO INTRODUCED THE REAL TEACHINGS OF GOD TO THE WORLD. HE IS TRUE AND HIS WORDS ARE TRUE. IN FACT, HE IS THE WORD * The entire world would have been condemned, but for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The whites and others tried their very best to renovate the condemned world but to no avail. That is the reason why the coming of the Holy Spirit is so significant. The Holy Spirit has come and put a great change to the entire world system. * In the past, Paul wrote letters to the Corinthians, Ephesians, Thessalonians etc. And these letters were used as gospels, whereas they were private affairs which do not really teach mankind the right way to perfection. BUT NOW THE FATHER IS HERE TO IMPART TO HIS CHILDREN, THE REAL TEACHINGS THAT LEAD TO PERFECTION. *That is the reason why I insist that, these gospels should be published in different languages and distributed to all and sundry in every nook and cranny of the world. * THESE GOSPELS ARE THE ONLY WAY THROUGH WHICH THE WORLD WOULD BE UNITED IN LOVE. THESE ARE THE ONLY TEACHINGS THAT WILL DOMINATE THE ENTIRE WORLD. BIBLE TEXT: JOHN 16:12-13 Howbeit, when he, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. (John 16:12-13). Most people do profess that Satan loves evil doers. This is erroneous because, there is no such statement in the bible. In the past, Paul wrote letters to the Corinthians, Ephesians, Thessalonians etc. And these letters were used as gospels, whereas they were private affairs which do not really teach mankind the right way to perfection. BUT NOW THE FATHER IS HERE TO IMPART TO HIS CHILDREN, THE REAL TEACHINGS THAT LEAD TO PERFECTION. THAT IS THE REASON WHY I INSIST THAT, THESE GOSPELS SHOULD BE PUBLISHED IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES AND DISTRIBUTED TO ALL AND SUNDRY IN EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY OF THE WORLD. THESE GOSPELS ARE THE ONLY WAY THROUGH WHICH THE WORLD WOULD BE UNITED IN LOVE. THESE ARE THE ONLY TEACHINGS THAT WILL DOMINATE THE ENTIRE WORLD. The Old Testament constitutes the elementary teachings. It was after the arrival of Our Lord Jesus Christ that we started to experience what could be termed as secondary teachings. However, these teachings, (the secondary teachings) were not properly analyzed because there was no Holy Spirit by then. This explains the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ said: If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? (John 3:12). Owing to the above fact, He further said: I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot hear them now. Howbeit, when he, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. (John 16:12-13). JUST AS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST PROMISED, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOW ON EARTH TEACHING MAN ALL THAT HE DID NOT KNOW AND SO, WHOEVER DOES NOT HARKEN ONTO HIS WORDS HAS NO LIFE IN HIM. The people of old were primarily taught about prophesying. This is the reason why the teachings in the Old Testament deal exclusively with prophecies. In other words, there were no good teachings of the word of God by then. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WAS THE FIRST PERSON WHO INTRODUCED THE REAL TEACHINGS OF GOD TO THE WORLD. HE IS TRUE AND HIS WORDS ARE TRUE. IN FACT, HE IS THE WORD. That is the reason why, when He told His disciples that, the Holy Spirit would descend upon them on the day of Pentecost, it happened just as He said. FROM THIS, ONE COULD INFER THAT, JESUS THE CHRIST WAS THE ONE WHO BECAME THE HOLY SPIRIT AND DESCENDED ON HIS DISCIPLES ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOW ON EARTH: All the miracles performed by the disciples of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles were not really accomplished by them per se, rather, the works were accomplished by Our Lord Jesus Christ through them. That was all for that time. But now, the real and only teachings of God can be found in the Revelation of John the Divine. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE BOOK CONTAINING THE DIVINE TEACHINGS OF GOD WAS KEPT IN THE CUSTODY OF AN ANGEL. And this has reverence in Revelation 5:2: And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals there of? However, there was none in heaven or on earth or under the earth who was worthy to open the book and look into it. Moses was given some commandments for the people of the world. THESE COMMANDMENTS WHICH WERE FROM AN ANGEL WERE NOT WELL DESIGNED. THIS WAS THE REASON WHY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WAS SENT TO COME AND EFFECT THE NECESSARY CHANGES. And when He came, He said: Think not that I am come to destroy the law or prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. (Matthew 5:17). The laws of Moses were to no avail. But after the fulfillment of the laws by Our Lord Jesus Christ, He gave as His last commandment, LOVE ONE ANOTHER. But it is very pathetic that up till now, none is prepared to abide by the said law (commandment) of Our Lord Jesus Christ. None of the disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ kept to the words of the master while He (Christ) was still on earth. That was the reason He told them that, they (His disciples) would not be able to practise His teachings until the arrival of the Comforter. The disciples could not understand the words pronounced by the Master due to the fact that they did not possess the Holy Spirit. And we have been made to understand that, there was nobody in heaven nor on earth who was able to open and read the book. Now the question is, if there was nobody to open and read the book, would we have seen the light which we are seeing today? During His time, Our Lord Jesus Christ could only reveal His glory through the miraculous feats, which He was noted for, but not through preaching because there was no Holy Spirit by then to aid the listeners to understand His preaching. Thus, after His preaching, He closed the book and gave it to the attendant, and this the book which the angel referred to in Revelation 5:2. And we have been made to understand that, there was nobody in heaven nor on earth who was able to open and read the book. Now the question is, if there was nobody to open and read the book, would we have seen the light which we are seeing today? The entire world would have been condemned, but for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The whites and others tried their very best to renovate the condemned world but to no avail. That is the reason why the coming of the Holy Spirit is so significant. The Holy Spirit has come and put a great change to the entire world system. This explains the reason why most churches do things which they had never been doing before. For example, the Roman Catholic members are found dancing now in the church which hitherto was forbidden. The various governments of the world too have changed from their former misconceptions about God because of the light which the Holy Spirit has brought to mankind. The doctrine and glory of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star eluded the entire inhabitants of the world. That is the reason why they often claim that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is not in the Holy Bible. The entire world has been disorganized by its inhabitants to the extent that it could be likened to a situation where the thief steals someones car and reconstructs it, to conceal it from the real owner. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM : UNIVERSAL EVANGELISM ……………………………………………………………………………………… THE WORD OF GOD IS THE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE THE HOLY SPIRIT WHY THE COMING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS SO SIGNIFICANT. * To prevent the people of the world from saying that, Brotherhood of the Cross and Star does not use the Holy Bible, I chose to start teaching you from the Holy Bible. There are many teachings that I have brought to mankind. Most of them are yet to be touched. That is the reason why it is disadvantageous for one to be absent for even a day. * By then (the fullness of time), there would be no more preaching of the word of God, because all who would be in the kingdom would not wait to be preached to, before they practice the right thing, rather, they would always practice the word of God. By then, it is only those who would do away with evil that will be enlisted into the Kingdom of God. During His time, Our Lord Jesus Christ could only reveal His glory through the miraculous feats, which He was noted for, but not through preaching because there was no Holy Spirit by then to aid the listeners to understand His preaching. Thus, after His preaching, He closed the book and gave it to the attendant, and this the book which the angel referred to in Revelation 5:2. And we have been made to understand that, there was nobody in heaven nor on earth who was able to open and read the book. Now the question is, if there was nobody to open and read the book, would we have seen the light which we are seeing today? The entire world would have been condemned, but for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The whites and others tried their very best to renovate the condemned world but to no avail. That is the reason why the coming of the Holy Spirit is so significant. The Holy Spirit has come and put a great change to the entire world system. This explains the reason why most churches do things which they had never been doing before. For example, the Roman Catholic members are found dancing now in the church which hitherto was forbidden. The various governments of the world too have changed from their former misconceptions about God because of the light which the Holy Spirit has brought to mankind. The doctrine and glory of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star eluded the entire inhabitants of the world. That is the reason why they often claim that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is not in the Holy Bible. The entire world has been disorganized by its inhabitants to the extent that it could be likened to a situation where the thief steals someones car and reconstructs it, to conceal it from the real owner. Six a.m. to six p.m. makes a full day while six p.m. to six a.m. constitutes a full night. This is the best way of counting days and night. But today, due to the illegal changes effected by the people of the world, one a.m. to twelve midnight is now regarded to constitute a day. But for the coming of the Holy Spirit, none would have been saved, because there was no other source of salvation mankind. The teachings imparted to you by the Holy Spirit are neither learned nor soured from books; rather, it is because of the love of God for humanity, that He sent to us the Holy Spirit of truth to reveal the things that were hitherto hidden from man. To prevent the people of the world from saying that, Brotherhood of the Cross and Star does not use the Holy Bible, I chose to start teaching you from the Holy Bible. There are many teachings that I have brought to mankind. Most of them are yet to be touched. That is the reason why it is disadvantageous for one to be absent for even a day. The members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star are now flying like birds in the air. Every member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has been exposed to all the secrets of the world. These are yet the elementary teachings of the Holy Spirit. These teachings are getting you set for the main teaching ahead. And when the advanced teachings are brought to you, you will always yearn for more. DO AWAY WITH EVIL: Brotherhood does not constitute preaching and hearing the words of God alone, rather it constitutes the practical application of all the teachings of the Father. However, since none of you is engaged in the practical application of the words of the Father, I have deduced that Brotherhood has not yet started. I would start whenever you are prepared to practise the teachings which are imparted to you. The most needed thing in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is righteousness and love. And by the time one or two persons would possess the above needed things, you would see how Brotherhood of the Cross and Star will then bloom all over the Universe. Since Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is yet to start, people have not come as they are supposed to. But once righteousness and love are exhibited, then practical Brotherhood will start. On this note therefore, desist from telling people about Brotherhood of the Cross and start but strive to love one another in righteousness, for people will flock into the Kingdom through your behaviour. Brotherhood of the Cross and Star seeks after unity (oneness) and righteousness. That is the reason why the Father seems to shun the indigenes of Biakpan. They do not wish or intend to do away with their diabolical deeds. Here in the kingdom, I always try to make sure that, oneness and righteousness prevail. And for the scripture at Matthew 6:10 to materialize, you need to seek after oneness and righteousness wherever you may be. The entire people of the world are one as such, there should be no segregation among them. As it was through one man that evil (sin) came into the whole world, so also is it that through one man (Our Lord Jesus Christ), that salvation has been brought to mankind. Hearing the word of God has its own function(s). In the same vein, the practising of the word of God also has its own function(s). Moreso, preaching the word of God has its own function(s) but the greatest of these functions, is practising the gospel. But if you do not hear, how would you practise? If you do not practise, how would you preach? Therefore, the three functions are all the same, thus, it is imperative that you abide by them all. What is being done now is the introduction of this kingdom. At the fullness of time, the Father will choose the real Brotherhood members and pack them into one place designated for THE KINGDOM OF GOD. And that is the time that you will see the exodus of people of the world, and an influx of these people into the kingdom, just to witness Brotherhood of the Cross and Star by example. By then (the fullness of time), there would be no more preaching of the word of God, because all who would be in the kingdom would not wait to be preached to, before they practice the right thing, rather, they would always practice the word of God. By then, it is only those who would do away with evil that will be enlisted into the Kingdom of God. A time is coming when people from far and near will come into the kingdom to embrace this truth. At that time, you would not need to preach to such people because they will be convinced by the truth and the Holy Spirit shall teach them everything. It is written: For it is impossible, for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost. And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. (Hebrews 6:4-6). People will bear eloquent testimony about the wonderful power and wisdom of God. As more and more people continue to believe in this power, so will idolatry and every form of medication cease. It is only THE POWER OF THE WORD that will eradicate stealing, lying, fornication, and every other sinful act. There shall be no more sickness, pains, war, death and problems at all. IT IS ONLY GOD WHO HAS THE POWER AND THE RIGHT TO CHANGE MAN AND THE ADVERSE CONDITIONS IN THE WORLD. It is only the love of God that will reign at that time; nobody shall claim ownership of anything. The power of lies shall cease to control man as there will be no need to tell lies, to hate, to quarrel, fight or beat any. Court cases and litigation shall be no more. The need to maintain the army for peace keeping and security shall cease. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM : UNIVERSAL EVANGELISM
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:41:26 +0000

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