HILARIOUS Story complements Dane Tuach just had to share, also - TopicsExpress


HILARIOUS Story complements Dane Tuach just had to share, also thought it would be a good way to make people aware of this madman. Enjoy! They have been trying to put the crazy man at Norman niles away for his recent violence. I had to write a story of my experience so here you go for a laugh Alan, My name is Dane Tuach. I was asked by Mark Jordan to write you an email describing my experience with the rock pelter at Norman Niles. On November 17th, 2008 at approximately 6:00pm I was on my way to UWI for an evening class when my unfortunate experience began. Ironically, at that time in the evening, the road was clear except for a vehicle directly in front of me. I was slowing down as I approached the Norman Niles roundabout when my initial acknowledgement of an alternative presence occurred. As I proceeded to adjust the gear to match to the vehicle speed I heard sprinting footsteps amplified by the use of slippers. I took no notice of the approaching entity until its close proximity became a concern. My car was still crawling when I decided to turn my head towards the oncoming object. In the time fame of a second I caught the eyes of what seemed to be a very angry yet anxious individual. Startled, I yelled EH! which seemed to prematurely brake the individual allowing me to make out the large jagged stone being retracted in his right hand. Instinctively, I retreated to the safety of my vehicle cabin and the propelled stone was brought to a halt by the feeble window frame of my Suzuki Forsa. The sharp sound on impact coupled with concrete mist indicated that this individual meant business. Muddled by equal parts fear and confusion I found difficulty in finding the correct gear for a brisk exit and the otherwise embarrassing chime of a gear miss-change gave the attacker motivation for a second attempt at my unprotected skull. The vehicle in front was obviously ignorant of the present chain of events because they were in no rush to get out of my way. Luckily, the steady roll and emphasis on engine RPM permitted my forced entry into 3rd gear which facilitated my escape from the godforsaken individual. At least that was what I thought, my rear view mirror began to paint the picture of the second attempt. He grabbed the stone which seemed very much intact and began a sprint towards my vehicle that would rival most Jamaican athletes. He propelled the rock towards my vehicle but I managed to gain enough distance that it passed close to my exhaust pipe and the ricochet helped divorce the rust from my vehicle undercarriage. Finally, I was able to gain a safe distance from the danger and drove parallel to the car in front who were still oblivious of the attack. I decided at the time it was a reasonable enough excuse to miss my accounts class and made my way toward the police station near the ex-Glendary prison (District A?). Dane: Gentlemen I would like to report a madman pelting rocks at innocent people by the roundabout, please may you observe my vehicle as proof The officer took a lacklustre stride over to the car park where the recently damaged vehicle lay Police Office: Cawblen, he like he wanted to f*** you up Dane: Yes he obviously did, can you please go and investigate the area? Police Officer: I got business in Warrens first, I will pass through when I ready My contact details were left and nothing had been done. I got away lucky but this person can seriously injure somebody with that nonsense. Unfortunately, I can not guarantee that I would be able identify this person again, however, all I can say is that he had a face like a dog fight.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:39:45 +0000

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