HILLARY AND BILLS HARD TIMES. YOU HAVE TO READ THIS Hillary Understands Hard Life - She And Bill Feel Your Pain By DICK MORRIS Published on DickMorris on June 11, 2014 Printer-Friendly Version First, Hillary Clinton outright lied about her familys financial situation at the end of her husbands Presidency. Telling Diane Sawyer that they were dead broke, she apparently forgot about the $22 million in book deals they signed before they left the White House. And the two multi-million dollar homes they bought while he was still in office. Most people wouldnt call that dead broke. But the Clintons arent like most people. Now, at the beginning of her book tour, Hillary Clinton is back-pedaling, trying to clean up her gaffe and show some empathy for the folks out there who have suffered in the recession and its aftermath. Heres her message: Shes just like the rest of us working stiffs, just trying to keep up with debts, mortgages, and tuition. Really. She knows just what its like out there. After making over $150 million since they left the White House, Clinton says she understands about the hard life that many people have to go through, saying it wasnt easy for her and Bill to get together the money to pay for their two mortgages and Chelseas education after they left the White House. Her husband told people I feel your pain. Now, she feels it, too. Is she kidding? Hillary Clinton has no idea how regular people live. In her world, hard times means you have to get one of your millionaire friends to put up over a million dollars for a mortgage that you cant afford for a house you wont really be living in. And then you get lots of other people to donate tax free gifts of expensive china, silver, and furniture to fill the new house. The rest you take from the White House and youre all set. No need to worry about a thing. Thats what people do in hard times, right? Well, thats what Hillary Clinton did. While living in the White House, the most luxurious residence in the United States, the Clintons paid only for food, dry cleaning, clothing and personal expenses. The taxpayers paid for everything else -- their housing, maids, chefs, flowers, electricity, cars and transportation, insurance, subscriptions and books, entertaining and travel. But unlike any other recent presidents, the Clintons went even further. When they wanted a special vacation every year, they asked people they had never even met to lend them stunning vacation homes in Marthas Vineyard and the Virgin Islands. They also borrowed Senator Jay Rockefellers Jackson Hole estate in Wyoming when polls showed that the voters didnt like them hobnobbing with the rich and famous in the Vineyard. But wherever they went, there was never a thought of paying for anything themselves. How could they? They were barely getting along. In 1999, Hillary decided what she wanted to run for Senator from New York. There was one problem: she needed a residence in the State of New York. It could have been just a one bedroom rental apartment, but that wouldnt have been posh enough for the First Lady. So, instead, she bought a $1.75 million home in tony Chappaqua, N.Y. There was one other problem: the Clintons didnt think they could qualify for a mortgage because of outstanding legal debts. So what do people do when they cant qualify for a mortgage? Most people would simply give up on buying a house they knew they could not afford. But, if youre Hillary Clinton, you dont give up easily. She wanted the house. End of story. So, if a bank wouldnt lend her $1.3 million, shed just find a rich friend who would. Think about it: The President of the United States with his hands out, begging his rich pals to put up over a million dollars so his wife could have an expensive house. First, they tapped the White House Chief of Staff, Erskine Bowles, who initially agreed to the handout, but then backed out. Maybe he figured out that it was inappropriate for the President to ask an employee to pay for his house. After Bowles backed out, Terry McAuliffe happily jumped in to help out the first couple and deposited $1.3 million with the mortgage bank to guarantee the Clintons payments. Problem solved. The dead broke couple made a $350,000 down payment. Then, no worries. To furnish it, they looted the White House and moved out furniture that had been donated to the home of the nations chief executive. Oh, and then they set up a gift registry -- like a bridal registry -- for wealthy donors to buy them expensive china, flatware, and furniture. Hillary chose the Spode Stafford Flowers. A five-piece place setting retails at almost $800.00 today. She got over 16 place settings. A United States Senator cant serve dinner on any old kind of plate. QUESTION: If you were dead broke, would you buy a $1.7 million house that you didnt plan to live in for a few years? Would you have $350,000 for a down payment? And then, a year later, would you buy another $2.75 million house in D.C.? Thats what the Clintons did and thats why they know all about the hard times. As Hillary said, it wasnt easy making all of this work.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 14:43:41 +0000

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