HILLSIDE HELPS-“The four and twenty elders fall down before him - TopicsExpress


HILLSIDE HELPS-“The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat upon the throne, and worship him that liveth forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou are worthy, O lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created al things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Revelation 4:10) Have you ever wondered what will be in heaven? Through the inspired and always true Word of God the Holy Spirit opens the veil and allows us to see into the Glory of heaven. All we know about heaven now is revealed to us in God’s Word. There are so many misconceptions of what heaven will be for those redeemed by their Lord. Bur first may I remind you of what will not be in heaven. There will be no sin or sinners there, no sickness or suffering, no dying or death, no sadness or sorrow, no troubles or trials, no temptations or tears. There will be no persecution or prejudice there. There will be no divisions or divorce. Heaven will be free of doubters, liars, cheaters, or haters. Just imagine living forever without the troubles and difficulties we have endured while on earth. What then will be in heaven? It is not as important for us to know what is in heaven as much as it is to know who will be in heaven. Our Lord, who created everything, will be sitting on His throne. He who has remained in sovereign rule throughout eternity past will continue ruling throughout eternity future. Upon our arrival in heaven we, being free from any form of sin and self-seeking glory, we will congregate around the throne of God with all the redeemed of all the ages. Saints from all peoples and nations will be united in perfect peace and all together join one body. The walls that once divided will be no more. Thousands of thousands and ten thousand times ten thousands of the angels and the redeemed shall join in God’s presence. There before His throne we will all fall on our faces in full adoration. The scene is difficult to describe, but you see, heaven will not be like earth where there are all these manmade agendas and glory seeking self-righteous people. What will we do then once we are in heaven? We will come before God and have an everlasting praise and worship service. We will join together in pure unending and uninterrupted praise offered unto the One on His throne and who is worthy to be praised saying or singing, “Thou art worthy, O Lord…” In preparation for eternity, the redeemed of the Lord must learn to worship and praise the Lord in private and in public. Any action taken that would invite the glory and praise of others must be avoided. Jesus alone is the only One worthy of our praise. We must not call attention to ourselves, but rather pass the praise on to the Lord, who alone is worthy of praise. Today, child of God, imagine an unending time of pure praise and worship with all the saints in heaven. What a day that will be, when our Jesus we shall see. Praise His Name (Bro Jerry McNeer) PLEASE SHARE
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:10:57 +0000

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