HILLSIDE HELPS-“ Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye - TopicsExpress


HILLSIDE HELPS-“ Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not vain in the Lord.” (1 Cor.15:58) In these last days there will be difficult and perilous times. Just as the world hated and rejected Jesus, we can expect ever increasing opposition and rejection. Until the coming of Christ to rapture the redeemed from this evil world, there will be continual decline in morality and spirituality. People will become more and more self-centered, and less interested in the needs of one another. This is no pretty picture for the future. What then are we as Christians to do as we face these most difficult days? We are to stand firm in our commitment to the Lord Jesus. Our steadfastness is not in the strength of human flesh, but in the Person, Presence, and Power of the Holy Spirit. Having been redeemed by the Blood of God’s only Son, we must continue to abide in Him through the good and bad times. If we remain faithful only when things are easy and smooth, and buckle under the pressure placed upon us by the difficult circumstances, we ruin our witness to a world that is watching. There is no greater opportunity for having an influence on others than to abide in Christ, remaining steadfast in times of adversity and trial. We are to remain “unmovable”, meaning that nothing can move us away from our true commitment to Christ. We can stand against the devil and all demons of hell. Never once, do we have to cower down and give in. Just as Jesus remained steadfast until the end, we too must follow His example. There is a motivation provided for us. It is found in the previous verses of 1 Corinthians 15. Our faith is in the Lord Jesus, who died, rose again from the dead, ascended back into heaven, and at any moment will return to call out the called in rapture and redemption. Our love for Him coupled with our commitment to Him drives us to go deeper and deeper in our love and devotion. Day by day and year by year we experience His faithfulness and are stirred in our hearts to remain faithful to Him, no matter what difficulties we may endure. Therefore, we must take our stand and refuse to give up or give in. We must ever be “abounding in the work of the Lord”. Every day, we are to obey God as surrendered servants, who have denied personal privileges in order to please our Master. His will becomes our will as we truly trust and obey Him. Daily we are to live for Christ and minister in His name to those God puts in our path. What a glorious privilege God has granted to us to serve in His kingdom and to labor for our Lord. We must understand that our labor for the Lord will never be in “vain”. Today, weary servant, lift up your heart and hands. God has big plans for those who are willing to listen and let Him lead. Be ready to remain faithful in serving Him throughout this week. Ask Him to open doors whereby you have opportunities to share His love and forgiveness to others. Trust Him to empower and enable you to do His work in the power of His Spirit and remain steadfast and firm. (Bro Jerry McNeer) PLEASE SHARE
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 12:01:53 +0000

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