HILLSIDE HELPS-“...for I am tormented in this flame” (Luke - TopicsExpress


HILLSIDE HELPS-“...for I am tormented in this flame” (Luke 16:24b) Postmodern preachers and churches seek to make their congregations “feel good” and “be comfortable in their skin”. This evident by so many who fill their churches, or support their ministries. The goal is to not make people uncomfortable with strong words that would cause them to even think about living differently. The “feel good” message is not Truth. All one needs to do is study the life of Christ and observe the suffering he experienced all His life, including the climatic Crucifixion He experienced. Nothing about distrust, lies, false accusations, or denial feels good. The one message left out is the message about the FUTURE MISERY OF THE WICKED; that people die in sin and immediately enter into a flaming fire of torment; a fire that will never be quenched. The Bible speaks of the destiny of the lost from Genesis to Revelation. But, because this makes people uncomfortable, often the message is left out. Hell is a real place filled with a very large company of people who through the ages have died in their sin, having never repented and trusted Jesus to forgive and save. They are “tormented “and have been since their death. If possible they would go back and d things differently. (Read Luke 16:19-31) I call on each of you to ask yourself an honest question: “WHERE WILL I SPEND ETERNITY?” If you have been born again, by the Spirit of God; the Holy Spirit, you now have everlasting life. When you die, you will immediately enter heaven to join the Savior and saint who have gone on before. If however you have not been born again, you face the possibility of dying and spending eternity in hell; a prepared pace for people who are not prepared, by being saved. My heart is breaking today for the billions of people on this planet who have not yet come to know Christ. Also, I pray for those who have been deceived by believing a false prophet and false doctrine. There is only one way to heaven, and it is through Jesus Christ. Today, answer your own question. Will you spend eternity in heaven or hell? Give this some thought and consideration. While there is time left, call on the Lord to save you by His grace. When He calls, you answer with faith alone in Christ alone. I love you all. (Bro. Jerry McNeer) PLEASE SHARE THIS ONE
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 13:08:02 +0000

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